
Angel calling the car a demon was a callback to when Buffy lost her memory and became an 18th-century girl in "Halloween."

That's what I always figured, that it was after "Not Fade Away" sometime after he had abandoned all the rest of Angel's crew. But it being all in his head makes sense, too, I suppose.

Agreed. I don't think we've seen the last of Zoey (unfortunately.)

Luke and Leia
We don't know the names of Ted's kids, right? IMDB just lists them as "daughter" and "son." Wouldn't it be amazing if they turned out to be named Luke and Leia after all/

The return of the Cockamouse was great (although it made me miss Season 1.)

Lily's bicuriousity is one of my fave running jokes (made that much better, obviously, by the fact that it's Alyson Hannigan, our beloved Willow once upon a time.)

Taub's deadpan response reminded me of how funny he can be. Remember his impression of Foreman on the best and worst days of his life?

I also enjoyed Marshall's soulpatch.

Poor Wilson. I felt so bad for him when he asked House to move back in with him…and even worse when House jumped off the balcony.

Dexter should do more SEXYLUNGING at dudes.

I agree with all of this. Especially that I always thought their relationship was more interesting and moving when they weren't actually together. Buffy and Spike have some really wonderful, quiet moments together this season.

*Waves Spike flag*

It's got some truly breathtaking moments, but it's difficult and painful. Whedon really beat us up this season. It's great and it's brave but it knocks the shit out of you.

Yeah, that scene is in "After Life," but it's breathtaking. Spike is the star of that episode. When he tells her exactly how many days she's been gone I just…he just breaks my heart.

I vote for Wesley on "Angel." (Or Spike as well, in Season 5.) Hero complex strikes again: Buffy and Angel were often the least dynamic characters on their respective shows, cause they were saving the world all the time.

Man this movie is fucking weird. I do have a fondness for it just because of its total insanity.

I loved Lila. Said it before and I'll say it again. I loved what she brought to Season 2.

Three years later, she sez:

One of the funniest, saddest, and strangest episodes of Mad Men, ever. Jon Hamm was so brilliant this week.

Also, I love James Franco, shit-eating grin and all. He was so great in Freaks and Geeks, even if he hasn't quite lived up to that potential. He came to my college graduation. (Not to see me graduate, obviously.)