All Flannel

Rich Girl is pretty harsh, Darryl Hall makes it sound like a great time though

Rich Girl is pretty harsh, Darryl Hall makes it sound like a great time though

If that was The War Game's purpose it was frighteningly effective on me back in the day.

Thought Al Madrigal was a great guest host

Be a big help during the Euros as well

Those Sunday night 1030pm kick offs are nice in oz, I guess it's 2:30am for you? Rough

I saw that, ABC at 11pm on a Sunday night is as good a place and time as any for The Apartment.

Ahhh, was looking for the Julia Swahala love. My early teen brain still wants to have her over for a cup of tea every afternooon.

Been hawking Terriers around to all my friends, haven't had a bite yet. Might need to force the issue a bit, need people to discuss it with, my partner and I have exhausted all our converstion on the subject.

A hell of a slate. My lady friend is off today to a Grace Kelly retrospecive at the Bendigo gallery, very jealous.

A cornocopia of poor human behaviour. Enron must have felt like a palette cleanser after the Friedmans.

Finished up Glitz and then got started on Raylan. Anyone know if Glitz is considered prime Elmore Leonard? I really enjoyed it but haven't run into one of his I've disliked yet.

Look forward to the update, Girlfriend in it's entirety wouldn't be the likeliest gig to end up in a fight at.

The NME's weeklong obesession with Gay Dad was very funny, almost Silver Sun like in its intensity.

If you enjoyed that Mitchell & Webb look might be worth giving Peep Show a bash if you haven't seen it. Same guys, very funny.

The Wedding Present was in Melbourne for the first time on Saturday night. Good venue and band was in good nick, Seamonsters sounded great and it was fun to be with so many of my bald and grey brothers.
Watched the whole run of Bent as well, partner and I enjoyd immensley. Had a low key, sly feel that hit the spot.

Pretty much my exact thoughts, although I don't download music, it's come down enough since the 90's to be affordable enough for me. If you want to watch good TV here you pirate. Our cable providers are not much quicker then free to air and our channels are extremely limited compared to the states, as are our legal

Not many sightings of the former goofball Tom Hanks persona but the answer of "Thought!" to the recruiters "have you given any thought to your future" is hilarious.

Cash Cab to the Darkside

I guess Jimmy Stewart had the advantage of starring in 4 or 5 of the greatest movies in Hollywoods history. Helps fames along a bit.