All Flannel

Super Furries
My girlfriend didn't want to head out on a Tuesday night for a Super Furry Animals in Brisbane around 98'. Missed a cracking show for about 30 people just standing next to the band.

The Strokes opned for You Am I in Australia right as Is This It came out. Great show from both. Being down here you get some wierd combos around festival side-show time, Phoenix opening for Jarvis Cocker on their It's Never Been Like That jaunt was a fantastic one.

Cheers Dave78 for the OMC reference. No Dave Dobbyn?

I think Wonder Boys just got lost in the early decade shuffle. Has my favourite performance of the decade, Douglas is very fun to watch. Master and Commander and The Lives of Others were pretty well received around these parts as well, thought they may come up a little.

The pull-ups ending from 2012 was greeted with an explosion laughter in the theatre I was in. Would have been a good choice.

all a bit downhill from there but that glimpse is pretty terrifying

The very short shot of Darth Maul heading toward the ship in the flying Segue looking thing was pretty dramatic.

Landsman reading the catalogue with clothed women and Bunks "life partner" comment as Lester walks away for me. The Clay David/Lester one was fantastic Pancakes For One.

Kills me
when the recruiting guy asks him whether he has thought of his future and Forrest shouts "Thought?". A bit of old school Hanks slips out for a moment.