
One of my favorite lines in that movie is spoken by Dirk Calloway.

I'll be pedantic right along with you. Basho was a haiku poet, not a philosopher per se. Although they certainly don't have to be mutually exclusive.

Man on Fire had that thing the badass guy does.

I dunno, Vambo. Begbie mostly just picked on people weaker than him. I feel there's a difference between being a badass and just being a fucking asshole.

And my comments are always several days too late.

I know I'm in the minority here, but I hated Brick.

First things first.

This comment is 8 months too late but . . .
Spock didn't complete the purging ritual in TMP. He had to choose between finishing it and joining his shipmates.

I have always liked this guy but he had a super stupid part in the super stupid, self-indulgent, shallow piece of crap Nick and Norah's Infinite Piece of Shit. I hated, hated, hated that movie.

I have a question
In the trailer for a split second they showed one of the guys in the swirling snow and it looked like the skin on his face had turned black. Facial frostbite, perhaps?

Kristen Bell was indeed in Deadwood, which should make me respect her. Also Spartan, which is great, except that she's the most annoying thing in that movie, which makes her also suck. And I remember her being on the Tonight show or something, and she was annoying, so she sucks in real life too. And I can't stand her

I should have said American Cicero. Damn.

Fucking nice summation, American Cataline.

Loik levvah, loik levvah man, loik cruckadoyl man, loik fat levvah cruckadoyl man!

The guy in the middle of the couch
looks like the Argentine equivalent of Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Was curious after the ad campaign so I tried it
My biggest beef was that there seemed to be not enough sauce.

He had him killed
So that RU90 could be approved and Devlin McGregor could bring you . . . Provasic!

He is a pilot, and while alot of people obviously aren't, well, alot of people are, alot of small time guys in small planes.

Damn! And forgive the third consecutive post, but the movie they're seeing is Vertigo, an unquestioned classic of American cinema, and Kim Novak speaks the line, looking at a felled tree, pointing to its rings, "Here I was born, and here I died."

He has a wife you know. You know what she's called?