
Totally agree — it was often very tricky to watch Pushing Daisies — a show where they seemed to go out of there way to show off KC's body, despite her ostensible Christian background — with my wife.  She got hooked first, and she insisted I would enjoy it.  And, for many reasons, she was absolutely right.  
KC sings

Yep, that's my plan now.  I've had my Amazon "save for later" cart holding both PD seasons for this eventuality.  Time to move them to "buy."

Yeah, I don't know what TVD is thinking, but it seems pretty obvious to me that if a TV channel has good competition in a time slot, it would put up its best stuff against that show.  Make the viewer choose.

I voted three times, and though my other votes moved around occasionally, I voted for X every time.  I love that album.

I would have, but that particular category was too hard for me to choose from.  (Probably my age.)  I really couldn't decide between En Vogue, Sonic Youth, Faith No More, Rage, PJ Harvey & Buffalo Tom.  (Like choosing between children.)  So I rolled a die. But I love Velvet Roof, and will happily join your support

I'm being quite serious — he should channel his rage issues into super-violent, historically informed period pictures.  (Let Merchant & Ivory et al handle costume period drama.)  The past was violent.  Gibson appears to be as well, or, at the very best, relishes good ol' fashioned (pun intended) blood and gore.  I

Seriously, that's about all I hope from him in the future.  He totally knows how do film historical fighting & violence.  Give him a grant from some Society for Creative Anachronism, or the History Channel, and let him recreate all the famous historical battles throughout time, with whatever flimsy plot he needs.

It took me a while, but I know her from countless viewings of Mary Poppins — Mrs. Banks.  "No more the meek and mild subservients we . . ."

And now, more about the article itself: as mentioned above, I found the Black Keys dull.  They are good, basic, and often exciting rock'n'roll — something that is often missing from the more mopey veins of indie rock — but I have a hard time getting into that these days.  I'm pretty certain that it is largely due to

My Black Keys story:  Like many here, I probably "consume" too much music.  I've become far too adept at researching and acquiring things to listen to, and not enough time actually listening to things.  Part of it is my job — I am a librarian, and one of my specialties is buying music for our library system — but most

Having been pretty much convinced by seeing their last show broadcast streaming, I  am so happy these versions of the songs will be available.
Though more so if it the songs can be detached from the video — it was more fun to listen to than to see necessarily.  On the plus side for the DVD: the video will forever be

I really loved this, too.  And, more importantly, it introduced me to Charlie Day, and the whole wonderful(?) world of IASIP.  So I'm even grateful to this move, too.

One of my methods for putting people on my dead pool lists requires that they not be actively working.  (Basically, people sitting around twiddling their thumbs are more likely to die soon.  It's been a good rule of thumb for me so far.)
With Hagman, I wish you luck — he's too ornery to die quickly.  Maybe he'll piss

I did see this one — kids got it for XMas from G-ma — and I thought it was just an older one that I had never seen.  It was surprisingly good and old school — I recognized many of the gags that were lifted straight from the strips —  style was appropriately minimalist and the kids were often flat out mean — and my

I have not seen the movie, but I did read the book, back when it won the Caldecott Award (reserved for picture books), as I am a children's librarian IRL.  We also (re-)read it recently for a children & parents book club I run at my library.  Everyone really loved the illustrations — they are gorgeous, and probably

Copper Blue — love at first listen

Full agreement.  I was soooo excited for the last tour — loved Med Sud . . . to death; spent hours watching Heima and loving it; and I was pumped for the bombastic horn and strings arrangement in a concert setting.  Instead, we all got their stripped down stuff, which was so disappointing.  
I'm now torn, but since I

I contend that adults will get a lot more out of them than kids.  The whole point behind the series is to bash/satirize children's series fiction, mocking conventions, styles, and plots with aplomb.  Plus, he liberally sprinkles very weird, adult, Python-esque jokes and concepts throughout the books, jokes that

Have you seen the Critical Times — Hen House Sessions — doc?  It is still on Netflix streaming, which is good, because I can't imagine how else one might find this weird snapshot of their decline.  It was filmed after Chim Chim — I think — and it hangs out with the band as they try to record new songs.  
Angelo seems