Yeah, by the end, there's no denying the "Go, USA!" thing. I too wish that it had come back to the earlier tone, but that, I figure, is typical Hollywood ending B.S. Brings down many a fine film.
Yeah, by the end, there's no denying the "Go, USA!" thing. I too wish that it had come back to the earlier tone, but that, I figure, is typical Hollywood ending B.S. Brings down many a fine film.
Hence my distinction "sipping" booze vs. "mixing" (or cooking, for food) booze. Works for most anything, including whiskey, vodka, cheese, butter, etc.
This is the only one by Beck I bother with anymore. It's just so damn fun.
My god, if Abed and Troy don't look like they were directly modeled of off Bert and Ernie. That's awesome!
I would agree about the discomfort and degradation. But I really hated the prep for the colonoscopy.
Did you choose to watch the screen for the sigmoid? That was . . . fun? Weird? Disturbing?
Me, too. I can understand why the people in the video are following them around, as apparently David & Tilda was a fetish I didn't know I even had. Even as a boring "old" couple, I was watching them transfixed. (But I've always loved them both.)
Then shit got freaky, and now I want to see it again without the sound.…
I haven't seen Zero Dark Thirty — it's not my kind of film — but the portion of this essay about Django is striving way too hard to make comparisons between the two film in order to suit the writer's overall theme. For example, I can't imagine that anyone walked away from Django feeling that slavery was done in their…
Yummy. Thanks for the tips on grappa. It's great to know that someone is trying to make nicer version — I'll keep my eye out.
I'm pretty sure this is one of the drawbacks behind being a professional critic. TVDW knows all these TV background things, and they can't help but influence him watching the show. And because we spend a lot of time on this sight, we end up learning these non-essential bits of TV trivia, too — and it starts to creep…
I really liked the Destiny story collection, though I'm hard pressed to describe why it was about Destiny, or how it fits into the "world of the endless" thing.
I think what I enjoyed about it were the ideas of plague stories throughout history. (I have a soft spot for anything set in Byzantium, and wish more stories…
The Lucifer arc turns out amazing. I got slowed down in the middle trade PB's, as I couldn't really get into what the plan was. But by the end of the series, I absolutely loved it, and rereading it since made me appreciate all of the (long, convoluted) set up even more.
Definitely worth the time — another good…
I hadn't thought of this, but that might be because I had forgotten Diane's profession. Now that you remind me of it, though, I do know many people in education that are often way more stern in public/in their profession than they are at home. Being in charge of kids all the time is draining (hence Ron's quite…
Yes, this was the part that knocked the whole thing down for me. (All the other parts of the episode were funny and/or sweet.) As BJ Grimm says (more eloquently) below (or is it above, when this gets posted?), this was beyond stupid. And thus, for me, both unfunny and not really heart-warming, either.
Ron's drinking after dealing with kids all day is very relate-able to my wife and I as well. We went through 1 1/2 liter bottles of (shitty) whiskey every week when our own kids were younger. These days, if any of us have the boys on our own for the entire day, cocktail hour starts just before dinner — we don't even…
Thank you for reminding me of the most important way to get into music — having them learn to play music on their own. Creative use of music instead of only "consuming" music.
I really wished my own parents had taken this route, and now that I'm older and have learned to play some pieces on my own, I definitely…
My take: Go for songs with strong melodies, that kids can sing along with. Beatles, Sesame Street, They Might Be Giants, etc. all fit this bill very well. Songs with heavy distortion don't — they don't know how to find the melody within. (VU, Fennesz, MBV, Jesus & Mary Chain don't, as much as I love them.)
OR: songs…
I am Irish, and these are the songs I sing my kids to sleep with, too. Plus murder ballads — Irish, Australian, English folk, etc. I can't wait till they start asking me what penknives, stabbing, hanging, etc. all are.
Too many categories with difficult decisions. Damn you, AVC! The Motown list, the Talking Heads — even the f'n Burt Bacharach category. This is causing hours of agonizingly painful choosing between favorites.
Agreed wrt Here Comes My Baby. I can't even recall the original without queuing it up. YLT's version instantly springs to mind.
That is pretty much what I came here to write. This category is torture.