
She should have been nominated for all of the awards for last season's performance. I was shocked she wasn't. I've loved her since Newsradio. She's amazing.

But only with the gas mask bong.

But only with the gas mask bong.

Agreed. While I'm not the biggest Annie fan, either, I felt like we were watching a trajectory that Delmond probably went through earlier in his career (and hell, he's still going through the push/pull of having to leave New Orleans, only wanting to come back).

Agreed. While I'm not the biggest Annie fan, either, I felt like we were watching a trajectory that Delmond probably went through earlier in his career (and hell, he's still going through the push/pull of having to leave New Orleans, only wanting to come back).

They had me at "shinebox." 

They had me at "shinebox." 

Agreed. Enjoyed President Duck's brief return, but I barely laughed during
the episode. Both the General Tso and the Hummer jokes grew old

Agreed. Enjoyed President Duck's brief return, but I barely laughed during
the episode. Both the General Tso and the Hummer jokes grew old

What about David Morse's Christmas tie? I found it gloriously distracting in the scenes he wore it. 

What about David Morse's Christmas tie? I found it gloriously distracting in the scenes he wore it. 

Not a fan of her singing at all, and she's one of my least favorite characters on the show.

Not a fan of her singing at all, and she's one of my least favorite characters on the show.

Now anytime I see him, I think of him as the creepy dentist with ether.

Now anytime I see him, I think of him as the creepy dentist with ether.

I also loved how Antoine described her as being up and down like mercury in a thermometer (totally paraphrasing).

I also loved how Antoine described her as being up and down like mercury in a thermometer (totally paraphrasing).

I'm really happy to see other people fans of Treme! When I tell people about the show, they usually have never heard of it and the few people who have heard of it, don't like it. I'm guessing it's because they were Wire fans and are expecting the same thing. The worst review I heard about this show is that it's Glee

I'm really happy to see other people fans of Treme! When I tell people about the show, they usually have never heard of it and the few people who have heard of it, don't like it. I'm guessing it's because they were Wire fans and are expecting the same thing. The worst review I heard about this show is that it's Glee

Where's Ann M. Martin's house?