Put the metal to the pedal to

Not to mention, after somehow finding some way to poison the kid, what's to stop the kid (after waking from his berry-coma) from telling his mom, the doctors, and the cops "Yeah, some weird bald grouchy dude gave me berry cookies just before I got sick"?

I don't see The Shield and The Sopranos as need to compete for the best ending: I think they both had fantastic endings for their respective shows.

There should be one for FX as well: I'm constantly seeing actors from The Shield show up on Sons of Anarchy.

I know, I know, "Fly" was a much-lauded episode round these parts, but at the time I didn't think I needed to sit through an hour-long, budget-friendly bottle episode to grasp the fairly obvious metaphor of Walt trying to kill a fly.

Oh, okay. I thought it was an upcoming episode. I fast-forwarded through most of "Fly", explains why I never saw it.

Was there a scene missing?

Shatner and Feldman
Shatner did a great job with self-awareness. He realized he was a pop-culture punchline and ran with it, doing tons of cameos and self-parodies and eventually finding real acting work and several TV shows. Showing he was in on the joke worked well for him.

How does this even happen
How well do two people have to know each other before one trusts the other enough to turn to him and say, "You know, something I really want to do is to abduct, torture and kill Joss Stone."

Yeah, he was acting sleazy to see if the teacher was a sleaze, though it was stupid for him to do it with the other detective right there.

Yeah, it was just okay. I'd have kept watching but I don't feel like I've been fork-stabbed or anything.

McNulty gets frozen in carbonite by Jabba the Fett but it turns out he really DOES love Snotboogie.

Start watching Season One and keep watching until you get to the scene where Bunk and McNulty investigate a cold case crime scene using only police work and the word "fuck" to communicate. If you finish that scene and still aren't hooked, then give up. But not before then.

Loretta is so dead
And Raylan knows it. You can see that in the moment after he gives her the cell phone. He's given her a lifeline but he knows he needs to do more, he needs to get her the hell away from the lunatics who he knows has murdered her father. But he won't until he can prove something and then it'll be too

I hope the show is done with Romeo. His homosexuality was an interesting twist, but it was a terrible performance. What was with the stupid Batman voice?

So when is this sequel going to take place?
Blade Runner took place in 2019, which is not all that far off now. Roy Batty was at the end of his four-year life span, so if this prequel precedes him and the other Nexus 6 models, we're looking at 2015, 2016? And if the movie releases in 2012 or 2013… well, it seems kind

Replace him with John Stamos
Boom. Done. Winning.

So, wouldn't a women's prison have an women's doctor considering that the women's prison is full of women who probably regularly need a women's doctor?