
Lorena was one of the best characters on the show! She added complexity to Bill's storyline.

All for Angelina
I think the other girls were horrible to Angelina tonight. Why? B/c Snookie heard that she was talking sh*t behind her back? So she wants Angelina to say it to her face, and when she does Snookie gets angry? Puh-lease. Angelina responded the only way one could expect.

You are missing the obvious James (Jesse Eisenberg) and Em (Kristen Stewart) from Adventureland.

You let them off easy
I do have a problem that Maines made that comment on foreign soil. I think that's reasonable. I don't have a problem with what they said, although I would disagree.

Reviving a Bull
Also that thing Dwight said about how if you had told him that morning that his own creation would destroy him he'd have thought you were talking about a bull he and Mose were trying to revive.

Puppet Master
I liked Dwight's talking head at the end where he says "Just once I'd like to be a puppet master and have it work out" (or something to that effect).

It's amazing what you find to be "morbidly obese." He's fat, but not "morbidly" so. Add at least 50% to that and yeah, that's morbidly obese.

Pop culture references
I've seen "The Color of Money" and I still didn't get the reference. Oh well.
But I do enjoy pop culture references in my TV. One of my favorite shows, and one of Britain's best sitcoms of all time was "Sapced!" This show launched the careers of Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright (and I don't want to

Tim Burton's career
First of all, you all should do a live web chat or a call-in show. Or hire me on so I can discuss these things with you all.
Anyhow, I feel it's the curse of most great artists that they eventually become caricatures of themselves. Al Pacino for instance…I feel his last truly great role was in the

Cover it!
I dislike Dax Shepard. I think he should quit acting. Yes this show made me feel something different for him. Warmth, maybe? Or is it just a feeling of ambivalence instead of dislike? Whatever it is, any show that does that deserves to be covered weekly.

Cancelled is correct
Actually, Mr. Josh, "cancelled" is an accepted spelling. Is sort of like "cheque" versus "check" (in reference to something you get from your bank and use to pay someone), "dialog" or "dialogue," "color" or "colour," well, you get the idea. In fact, I prefer "cancelled" to "canceled."
And it

Baby Lust
It's not Barb's fault…it's the Mormon way. Remember a few episodes back when Bill's brother-in-law said that having only 3 kids would make people wonder if he was a "family man?" Whether they realize it or not, it's bred into LDS and they are raised that way. Maybe it's a self-perpetuating cycle of them

Where to find them
You can find them legally when the gov't decides to get rid of all MRE's past a certain age, mostly at military surplus shops or at military installations, active duty, reserve, and national guard.

From first hand experience
Some of them aren't bad, some are pretty bad, as you found out. But they are made first and foremost for nutrition, not taste. Let's just say that there's a reason each one comes with Tabasco sauce. If you eat several a day that's worth about 4000 calories or more, which a soldier in the

What if we like…
Both Scott Brown and Conan O'Brien? And dislike Jay Leno? Isn't that some sort of world-ending paradox in your universe? Maybe the throwaway joke got a laugh not b/c he's a figurehead of moron America, but that "moron America" knows something you don't? Obviously, the people of Massachusetts were

Anniversary special
Yeah, I'd appreciate it if you did. Thanks!

What do they call you?
What do they call you? The Hebrew Hammer? The Semitic Warrior?

In retrospect
Personally I was a fan of the show, but stopped watching it when they switched nights and caught the rest of it on DVD.

The only thing I didn't like about it was that the finale did not address Ms. Farrell at all. It seems that I'm in the minority that liked her, so I hope they bring her back for Season 4! Mr. Weiner, don't listen do fans. Do your own thing and the fans will come!

give it a break
Give it a break! It's not made for the 13-15 year old in us, it's made for 13-15 year olds themselves! It's a harmless, if stupid, film made for their sensibilities.