
I love this whole album. The cover of "Depression" probably comes closest to the spirit of the original song. Their version of "Rise Above", which is the last real track on the album, is just fuckin gorgeous.

I don't get the hatred for Webster Hall (their bathroom is weird but otherwise the shows I've seen there have been okay) but Terminal 5 is maybe my least favorite of the hundreds of venues I've been to in my life. Even LCD Soundsystem's farewell shows could barely redeem that place.

@avclub-9e99b236245c1d3d6a7cf246077f6f67:disqus I know that's Newsradio, and now I'm kicking myself for not knowing what the next line of dialogue is.

This is also one of my favorites on the album, but I thought it was about atheism and being damned to hell by much of the world ("Is this the fate that half the world has planned for me?"). Sort of a wryly ambivalent song for atheists and agnostics.

In England you can marry a building company?

In England you can marry a building company?

I thought for sure this would be the first comment.

I thought for sure this would be the first comment.

I really like this (I've been listening to it for about a week now). Some of it sounds a little staid compared to the first album, but contrary to the review I think it's mostly really hooky and fun.

I haven't picked up this new one yet but I lovedLovedLOVED their first one "Nothing Hurts." The very end of the album lost some steam but it was probably my favorite record of 2010 and I haven't gotten tired of it yet.

You damn kids get off my lawn!

The mustache stays — Wolverine goes!