
I was just kind of "meh" on her appearance. Most of the guest stars throughout the series are pretty "meh."

Continuing SPOILERS

Well, she's definitely cunning, and uses her intelligence to solve her problems, rather than her fists. Girl's got moxie!

Continuing the SPOILERS above:

@K Thrace, etc.

@Rowan - I was meaning to reverse the "does" and "doesn't" in your original statement, but you're right. I just ended up splitting hairs, if that.

I completely agree with Spicoli. When I was thinking passive, I was thinking of Veronica's role as observer, narrator, etc. Yes, she gets in the middle of things because of her curiosity, cases, etc. But she's constantly watching and gathering information, which strikes me as passive until she has the need to be

The third season ends pretty well, as cah215 said. I'd recommend watching all the way through. It won't nearly be as painful to go all the way through. If you can bear the pain of parting, at least watch the first and second seasons.

It's also awesome to watch almost every single one of these characters show up in Party Down, Rob Thomas's other failed but awesome venture.

The third episode is what hooked me for good. The twist in that story made me realize something good was going on in this show.

I gotta (mildly) disagree-
-about this line:

See, I never know what to think about this episode. I thought some of the scenes were mishandled, especially the gnarl at the end and Willow's paralysis. However, I thought the most poignant scene was that at the end between Buffy and Willow. Yes, it has meaning for later in the season, but I felt that it shows you

Along for the Ride
I watched all of Buffy - from start to finish, for the first time - in a week and two days. When I finished, I found out that Noel was reviewing Buffy for AVC, but I had finished the show in the break. Now I'm totally on board, from here to the end.