
Has anyone else noticed….
with last weeks episode having Dean declare how he and Samuel aren't family, and this weeks reassurance that Bobby is the boy's father, I actually really like the whole 'family doesn't have to be blood' angle.

The attention to detail in this show really is amazing…


Annie's Apartment?
I think it deserves at least a mention of how Annie does in fact live in a 'bad part of town.'
They mentioned this last week during the whole conspiracy plot, but here it's revealed to be true, and the whole group seems a bit shocked by it.

I don't especially like the whole thing about Samuel and the family. I would much prefer the story to focus more on Castiel and what's happening in heaven. With the addition of Crowley and bringing back the Sam's helps, but I still think the entire Campbell addition was a bit sudden and unfitting. I would much

preview for next's week
Did anyone else see it and automatically think of Angelus back in season 2 of Buffy?