
I had the Frigate That Flies song stuck in my head for like 6 months after that movie came out and my daughter watched it on repeat.

I just finished Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion. I was a little worried about getting into them because the only other Simmons I have tried was Drood and I couldn't finish it.

I picked green and I am the yellow hippo.

You'd think a public health department would know better…

Damn your eyes!

At one point, management also sent out medical information for every employee to every employee so that we would harass each other into getting flu shots. I don't miss that job.

At my previous job, management went through and removed all the negative comments from an employee survey before presenting it to the board.

You know there's already a Fantasia 2, right?

I'm with you, Cafe Rio for the win.

Did I hallucinate an article here? I thought they were doing Peter Pan next.

Dead Tom's dead! Long John shot him!

I may have been all 4 of those people. Stupid new format.

I have been to the Cracker Barrel exactly once. I ordered the fish and chips. My brother ordered the waffles. He thought the jar of vinegar that came with the fish was his syrup and poured it over the waffles. He ate the waffles anyway.