
Alien Jesus really does cling to any mildly dramatic competentcy, doesn't he?

"'See, he's like Don Draper, 'cause he's got the double letter thing going on with his name, so that's how we know he's a figure of mystery. Get it? Get it?"

That Hershey sentence was like a college sophomore trying to be profound; you guys have a truly shit sense of excellent writing.

Yeah, a critical character like Pete's mother dies.
Don is given a leave of absence and two guys are sent to LA (entire business restructured?).
Megan leaves in a fit, probably to return when she calms down.

Judging by these clips all he had was a monotone petulance. Just saying,

Best AV Club member music: Freddy Fender, "Wasted Days & Wasted Nights."

Every AV Club member automatically gets "Holding Back The Years" or
"Walk Around In Circles."

If narrowing your eyes and being constantly aggravated is the definition of great acting, why wasn't Carol O' Connor given an Oscar?

Wait till Spader drops from being overweight too.  Then you'll be coming up with the desperate accolades all over again.

But are they fat shits who stare into space for hours on end? That is definition of great acting on this board.

What else could it be? They've strung out a beating incident from four years ago into an endless 'Chris Brown is a piece of shit' tirade in every article. The black community has forgiven him, but don't piss off Whitey. They never forgive.

As long as the AV Club has its favorite evil negro, all is right with the world.

It's not AV Club if it's not castigating it's favorite evil negro Chris Brown.

Actually by '68 they did.

The Beatles did and that didn't help anything.

Peggy's putdown of Don was incredible
(if you discount the two times she did it in season 4, once in season 5, and at least once this season). Does this show ever stop breaking new ground?

Commenting on other people's reviews; the true apogee of a life.

This is a boring fucking show. People who try to piece clues together about its direction must also collect trading cards about asbestos factories and compare ip routers.

Nothing on the show has consequences. The time frame will just cut several months ahead, Sally will have moved on to some teen idol obsession, and Don will be off the hook, cold and banging again. Who cares.