
That's true, but I still think the general "we only look at this week's challenge" rule should be bent for such an underperformer. And in the finale. Or they should have conveyed how bad her dishes were, because in the end, all we saw was "B Pluses" all around.

What the Finals Mean
Look, I know that the judges are supposed to base each elimination on that week's performance…but this was the first part of the finale, where they select the best of the bunch. In that light, while Antonia may have underperformed, Tom did say they BOTH delivered B+ performances. Therefore, they

Andrew was robbed!
COME. ON. Andrew's dish may have sucked, but in no way is such shoddy, unintelligent, and poorly planned sabotage a measure of any Top Chef. Spike sucks, and he should have been sent home ages ago. I'm going to miss this season's idiot savant!

Also, while it was relevant and entertaining in the context of this episode, It feels as though the challenges are created as a setup for the contestants to fail, rather than shine. Case in point was the improv episode. I understand cutting out the appliances. But then turning it into YET ANOTHER challenge about