Jane Drenn

I thought there was a deliberate effort to make Sansa look like her mother — you could see it in Petyr's eyes, in the lighting that made Sansa's hair look darker, and in the black/gray dress/gown she was wearing — as she descended that spiral staircase. Anyone else see it that way?

Sorry Folks, cannot agree. Sure McConaghy and Harrelson were good — the former's having a great year, and the latter has always been good — but to what end? A lot of mumbo-jumbo mysticism and "the light's winning" when it took these two ace cops how many years to get the right guy? Please.

One thing that is still out there is Gus Fring's Chilean connections. Might they not come back and wipe out Walt's wife, son and "infant daughter" to avenge Gus' murder, thus necessitating a NH hideaway for the family until Walt can come back, erase whoever might be waiting, dig up the dinero, drive it back to NH,