
Already at the point where I'm skipping through 100% of the judges commentary. So bored by them. Luckily these recaps can fill me in if anything important happens.

Maybe this wouldn't have actually worked out but if they had done partnerships which all had one stage and one street dancer that might've been pretty interesting. Guess with the gender imbalance that's not an option. Also that kind of emotional connection is maybe not high priority since it looks like they prefer to

Wait also what is the twitter vote? Did I tune out the explanation? I always space out during the voting spiels because I watch too late for it to be relevant.

It's really pissing me off that the judges keep pretending that Ariana is untrained in other styles. Maybe they think it would turn the audience against her, or mess up whatever narrative they want to spin, but it just comes off as them unrealistically underestimating her ability in an insulting way.

Late to the party (thanks hulu!), but my thoughts:

And yet still none of them were quite as bad as John Barrowman last weekend. Dear god that was a disaster, and usually on other things (musical reality tv shows), he's halfway reasonable. Not that I blame him, if I had to sit up there with Sisco and Arlene for an hour, I would probably also lose my mind.

So glad this is back!
Believe me, after watching weeks of So You Think You Can Dance Uk, even these crappy audition episodes are a treat in comparison. The judges are absolutely refreshing, the lack of Sisco really makes all the difference- no one has even mentioned "living" in relation to dancing. I'm so happy!

…one FEWER MLK film on the schedule…

The song "Hell to the No" really reminded me of was, well, the song "Hell No". From the musical version of the colour purple. I mean, the songs don't sound at all the same, but it's basically the same ideas exactly completely trivialized.


I just skip over the judges comments now and read about them here, otherwise I think I'd have to stop watching.

@smm The judges won't throw out Jose, they desperately need his journey story. Also he's the only guy who doesn't basically only do contemporary. Once it gets down to only audience votes I suspect it will be different.

Melinda's so badass! I can't believe she was in the bottom three, she's the only engaging girl on the show at this point. Both she and Alexi were more victims of their routines rather than through any huge fault of their own, Cristina has no such excuse. Clearly the only reason the judges eliminated Alexi is

Thank Goodness
I feel better about my sense of humanity after reading this review. Watching the show I momentarily thought some part of my soul wasn't fully present or I didn't actually have a heart, because I didn't see what the judges meant about Alex's routine at all… I thought it was good, Alex is beyond powerful,

Being Human
I've watched all of Being Human except for the 2nd season finale, which is reportedly awful. Anyways, it's a fun show that walks the same thin line between brilliance and ridiculousness that Doctor Who so often finds itself on. Still, it's funny, charming, witty, and on occasion, rather gripping. Russell