
There was some discussion in the comments of the final episode about actors that should be on this show and I just wanna throw another name into the hat, how about Paul Schneider?

There's quite a bit to dig into with Home Movies considering how carefully structured they were. In terms of cartoons, it's more worthy of analysis than the likes of Archer, Futurama and countless others that are covered here and which I also enjoy.

For the record, I liked this comment without reading the full comment, which I surely wouldn't have had I done so. This unfortunately speaks volumes.

mind blown

He was really good on Brotherhood, which was an overlooked show due to it's similarities with The Sopranos.

Ah yes, Angel Cabrera, the people's golfer.

If you haven't already, try out her first album.

My favorite One Tree Hill moment was Dan.

"Hey, why didn't you stay in the car?"

Asbestos, for kids, by kids.

The first half of Season 8 is a murderer's row of strong episodes.

I love the sequence where Lisa delivers the letter to the messenger on horseback in exchange for booze.

You promised you wouldn't make a scene!

Eh, I really wouldn't classify Rome as a guilty pleasure. It does quite a few things better than Game of Thrones.


Gentlemen, to evil.

Which makes the original all that more impressive considering it sustained interest for twenty episodes. Sure, there were far too many red herrings but that's the nature of the beast. Shockingly, the political plot was just as good as the investigation(although, they were much more woven together than on the remake).

Alien baby from Friday Night Lights!

Just posting to say i'm glad someone mentioned this!

Same. In retrospect, I don't know why I thought a sequel to Clerks would be any good but at the time I was obsessed with the original and had to see it opening day. Big letdown.