Barada Nikto

Miss Laroche-Van der Hoot
I was incredibly disappointed she (the lady writer) didn't get to contribute this week. It thought that giving her her first line ever last week would have meant we'd get more Franco-Dutch hilarity, but alas.

I'm just a sucker for an awards show. Oscars, Globes, Emmy's, don't care.

Easy there, now we're really straying into the realm of unwatchable.

Since when was there any shame in having seen Mean Girls? It's a genuinely funny movie, if a little Lohaned.

My favourite line had to be Jenna talking to Tracy:

Hell yes
I adore Los Campesinos! And from their MySpace page I deduce that Josh is wrong about Gareth's faux-surname being "Campesino". Fairly sure it's the full 'Gareth Campesinos!'. Nevermind. Not important.