
Dyslexia is not illiteracy.

I'm not sure why I'm still watching this, because this show just continues to be relatively meh on all fronts, but I just really want to see the payoff on Gordon Clark having a mental breakdown. Like Stan's story about Gordon drunkenly/coked-uppedly crawling up into the ceiling after hearing some music playing for 4

Alan Johnson's just really good at capturing peoples' attention.

I realize I'm late to the game, but an obvious easter egg that it seems no one picked up on in the comments is in the opening when Oliver gets his mugshot taken. His number is 73 1941, and Arrow's first appearance is in More Fun Comics #73 in November 1941.

I realize I'm late to the game, but an obvious easter egg that it seems no one picked up on in the comments is in the opening when Oliver gets his mugshot taken. His number is 73 1941, and Arrow's first appearance is in More Fun Comics #73 in November 1941.