
Too bad
At this point, I'm only watching the show because it's almost over and I feel like I need to see it to completion. But tonight it struck me how extra useless everyone at CTU except Jack is. I mean, the one guy gets distracted by Jack tapping on a box car, even when he knows Jack is there? And then Jack gets

I would agree. It's been a bit frustrating that a few of the episodes haven't advanced the overall plot after Season 1's cliffhanger, but overall it's been a great season. And after tonight's episode, I feel like they're just getting started.

I, for one, am just glad he doesn't prefer going commando

Can Saul get his own show?
'Cause I would totally watch that. Odenkirk is having so much fun playing the sleazy lawyer (who's apparently more involved in the meth biz than I initially thought) that he makes me smile every time he comes on the screen

I used to like Kevin Smith
and some of his movies definitely defined my teenage years. They were so different than anything else I'd seen, and of course my teenaged self thought all the profanity was just great. Now, I want to like him, but he's making it harder and harder. And someone needs to take away that man's

Good point. And the biggest laugh for me was her screaming "Cameron you stay in the car!" with that nice firey Latin temper and then banging her purse against the wall. Perfection.

"It was only a dream" is a terrible, terrible plot device that should be outlawed in Hollywood. Such a cheat. I don't mind the "they were dead all along" as long as, like Tasha said, it's used in a movie where you're already invested in the characters/story.

Do people actually buy things from a site they find from a bot on the AV Club? Can't imagine they get much business this way. But hey, who am I to judge!

I loved Ang Lee's Hulk, and I never understood all the hate. I definitely thought the new Hulk was worse. I liked Eric Bana much better than Ed Norton, and I'll take Jennifer Connoly over Liv Tyler in a heartbeat. Wait, what were we talking about?

I was kind of hoping this would flop and I held out as long as I could, but when I eventually saw it, I thought it was….ok, I guess. So how in the hell does it make this much? From the previews I thought it was going to be terrible, so I guess it beat my very low expectations.

I'm seeing this. Although my anticipation level will be directly proportional to whoever they cast alongside Wiig

I actually watched this
And found it to be a surprisingly sweet, funny take on modern dating. Vardalos is clearly an underrated talent, who deserves praise for this wonderf—never mind, I can't go on. It was actually more terrible than I expected it to be. I vetoed my wife's rental choices for a month because of this.

This reminds me of cell phones in movies
Same thing, someone gets a call/text on their phone and a message pops up in the BIGGEST SCRIPT POSSIBLE that they are receiving a call/text. Makes me laugh every time. The only time I've noticed a real interface was on Entourage where they use acutal Blackberries and iPhones.

I'll keep checking this show out, the action scenes were surprisingly well done for a TV show. I especially liked the fast crawling in the heating duct when he realized the assassin was there and he had to get to him before he got his gun out.

I saw it….I was entertained. Good premise, not a great script, but what do you expect?

This looked terrible
from the FIRST time I saw the trailer. HAHAHAHAHA

Jurassic Park when you were 5? I would have had a heart attack. Although I don't think I watched a real scary movie until I was about 15 (Gremlins probably doesn't count, right?).

I'm with you Zack, I loved Weird Al when I was younger and still get a smile on my face on the rare occasions I hear him now. My brother and I can still quote lines from Amish Paradise and we're all growed up now

Did you also see the Queen musical We Will Rock You? Pretty awesome.

No Lee Child?
Just kidding, but damn are his books awesome. Jack Reacher is, for lack of a better description, the man.