Gonzo and Camilla make me unco

I'm glad to see this is going to be a feature
This stuff used to be my bread and butter. I wrote for a zine in college where we'd review all of these lost movies we'd find at goodwill or flea markets. I never saw Gasssss but some other guys reviewed it; they hated it. I've got a closet full of VHS tapes I can send

I agree with this
It took maybe 3 listens to get into it, but I think it's great. I can see it eclipsing Cookie Mountain as my favorite. My only complaint is that it ends pretty abruptly.

The gay country singer bit is pretty funny.

No regrets at all. The Thermals deserve more of my money than I've given them. I'm just saying I've never blindly bought a classic and it would be awesome if it worked out that way.

I agree with this. I wish the theme had paid off a little more, though. I'm not sure the middle really drives home the change we're supposed to feel from the first track to the last.

Yeah, this is definitely a grower. I went from being pretty disappointed to liking it quite a bit, but not nearly as much as the last two. That's what I get for pre-ordering, though. Every time I pre-order a record, it ends up being an off-album.

I didn't like the fake trailer for this one in Grindhouse, but this actual trailer looks really good. I can't imagine that there's anything in the movie that didn't make it into this preview, though.

Popless and MYOFs hooked me.

He wasn't just the drummer, he was someone's little brother.

I don't really like the idea of Holly being Jesse, though it seems like the characters have a lot in common. So much of the album is about looking at youth with older eyes, it doesn't make sense to me that there would be a flashback song about Holly. I can buy Jesse sort of following in Holly's footsteps. Maybe she's


I guess interesting people don't cut their hair into weird shapes
I thought it was a great touch that Senor Chang was actually terrified of frogs because it would've made Britta's prank a fiasco even if it was pulled off correctly. It was also a nice nod to where I'd expect the episode to go (innocent prank goes too

That's actually how I found out about Frightened Rabbit. I kept clicking on links that I thought were about White Rabbits and having them be about Frightened Rabbit. Eventually I listened to Midnight Organ Fight and that was that.

The Norm Show
I've got mixed feelings about this. I remember it being really funny for what it was, a relatively tame sitcom, when it was on back in high school, but the few episodes I've seen since don't make me want to buy this.

Yeah, it's really good. I only hope it's not as expensive as the It's Garry Shandling's Show set. It's hard for me to justify spending that much on a dvd set, even if I know it's going to be/is good.

I'm sort of with Me on this issue. I think 'pretentious' is kind of used as a code word for 'arty.' Something is only pretentious if it appears to be 'arty' but doesn't have enough meaning to justify the work the audience puts into decoding it. A lot of things meet that criteria, but I think people are quicker to

Don't let this review scare you too much, I actually liked it quite a bit. I mean, it doesn't make sense and it goes on too long, but there's enough weird stuff happening to make it fun. It's also very Argento-y, as opposed to Hooper-y, which is what I like.

It actually tastes a bit like the underside of the boardwalk.

The Truth!
"(Fortunately, we had some Drifter Pale Ale sitting around the office, sent in for a Taste Test of its own.)"

I wish my laughs started out with 'moo hoo'