wars and homos

Am I the only one who is reading Piznarski as being possibly gay? In past episodes I picked up on a lot of shots of him seeming to glare at Trent and Chloe coupling around, and I really don't think he's into Chloe. A lot of his horsing around and jokery seems to involve Trent,specifically touching Trent. And

Whaa whaaa whaaa
I've often thought that Jamie Stewart is to trauma as Morrissey is to romantic melancholy. That is to say that writing about these subjects is their bread and butter, but their approach to these subjects has always struck me as being fundamentally insincere.

Ray Coniff and his Singers!
101 Strings!

The downfall of exotica collecting
Leonard quite rightly highlights the great hazard of this genre- acquiring a million shit records from the thrift store. In the early days of my collecting, I bought everything with a chick on the cover, so I have a lot of garbage, and not a little Herb Alpert.

I have so many Enoch Light albums- there seems to one in every thrift store record box. They are usually the best thing in there. As the motherfucker above said, amazing production.

Why I will NEVER see the Fantastic Mr. Fox
I hate and avoid anything that involves animals that are also people. This means animals that wear clothes and go to school and eat breakfast at a table and so on and so forth.

Milhaven is the name of a city that appears in several of Straub's books. It's not a small town, though, it's a stand-in for Milwaukee. And it was never tormented by a psychotic teenage girl, either.

I love the Throat, except for the BIG TWIST ENDING, which I think is a dumb as it is obvious. Koko remains my favorite. The less said about his more recent Timothy Underhill books, the better.