Sean Connery

You're the man now, dog!

You're the man now, dog!

Well done, lad.

This is the most ridiculous bloody conversation I've ever heard.

Oh No You Dint!
It's on now, Gillette!

mbs you little bugger, I'm number one on your gay list and you bloody well know it.

Am I to understand you people all have jobs? Good God, with a work ethic like this, no wonder the economy is in the shitter!

Now now, lads. Your frustration is understandable, but disparaging incredible cleavage is going a step too far.

Am I to understand that all you bloody fools actually bothered graduating from school??

Avatars are a bloody fantastic addition. In time, you will come to understand the greater comedic opportunities they present.

Gonorrhea's not nearly as bad as it's made out to be, lad. I'm just saying.

Thank you, Gringo. I laughed at Darrell Hammond's ruthless caricature of myself as much as the next bloke, but the notion that I'd behave that abominably in real life is absurd!

Good God, is there any film or television show produced in the past 40 years that you *haven't* seen? Well done all the same, lad.

Good God, is there any film or television show produced in the past 40 years that you *haven't* seen? Well done all the same, lad.

I know we haven't always gotten along, Modell
What with all the numpties running about lately it's been hard going to keep one's head around here. I daresay the improvement is evident already, though. What do you say we take advantage of this historic moment, this time of rebirth, and bury the hatchet once and for all?

Perhaps it would, lad, if Ms Gillette ever bothered to read this website. But you and I know bloody well that's the last damn thing she'd be caught doing.

Ricky and I went on a bender in the Bahamas some year in the late '70s that was nothing short of epic. I haven't even seen the bastard in 20 years but I miss him already. R.I.P.