Sacre Bleu

1) Crosby is still a petulant child.  I am surprised that Christina didn't beat his ass when he was squabbling with Adam.  Hell, I expected Jasmine's mom to step in and help her out.
2) Crosby was right about Dr. Joe needing insurance if he was going to buy a house for Jasmine.
3) Nice reference to the dishwasher

I am shocked that Kristina didn't bring up Sarah's past dalliance with Adam's boss.  I was expecting to hear the words, "How did shacking up with Billy Baldwin workout for you?"

Crasmine haters to the left.

The Luncheonette is not a recording studio, it's where Adam and Crosby stage their arguments.
The boyfriend watched Parenthood for the first time last night and he remarked that "Braverman" was uttered every 5 minutes. Were the tents supposed to be metaphors for Crosby and Dr. Joe?

So that little tryst was just a ploy to knock Jasmine off her high horse? What's going on with that narrative? I hope Jasmine ends up pregnant. It would be interesting to see people go through marriage counseling and actually deal with their

1) I found myself yelling "Nooooooo!" at the television when Crosby and Jasmine were going at it. In the midst of it, my brain switched gears and started wondering if I was playing for the right team. Joy Bryant is hoooot!

I'll bet my left nut that Sarah is going to end up begging Adam and Crosby to let rehabbed Seth record a song/demo that will help him get back on his feet. Because this is Parenthood, the song is going to be written by Sarah and it'll be a father-daughter duet.

I completely agree with you. I think this is the last episode of Parenthood that I will be watching. As a woman of color, I am sick of tired of turning on the television and seeing us portrayed as the angry baby's mama. The comments on Parenthood's facebook page are frightening.

Imagine having to raise a child with that doofus Crosby. He is impulsive and has never taken anything serious. I wouldn't leave a plant with Crosby. Jasmine has to be the parent.

"Parenthood was a great show because it defied TV stereotypes"

I despise the way the black characters are depicted on Parenthood. It only took one season for Alex to go from "Magical Negro" to criminal. Jasmine and her mother are the stereotypical angry, controlling black women. Christina and Julia are also controlling, but they at least have some redeeming features. Katims