
Or because it's one of the highest rated shows on television.

Still listed as "Dutch" almost 24 hours after publication. Staff asleep at the wheel.

The idea is that your life is so interesting that 30 years as you are equal to 60 years as Churchill or 50 as Hitler.

The gender politics also used to be slightly better than this mess back when Rachel Dalton was still a sane person. It's funny how the avclub is so… "hip" in its sensibilites otherwise, but seems unwilling to tackle the question of why so many of Strike Back's women go crazy, turn evil, get kidnapped, or catch bullets

This season was pretty awful imho. It got better towards the end, but the first episodes almost seemed like the story was improvised on the go. Particularly the way a character's fate changes between episode 1 and 2 is absolutely outrageous.

I'd much rather like to see a "Good Job, AV Club!" feature wherein we are alerted to new original AV Club content.

I wish the review had made clear why exactly this film is banned in India, or why the reviewer judges it to be so terribly provocative to national sensibilities.

It ends well, too.

I loved Magic City and I'm not shamed to admit to it. The actors were good, the setting was interesting, and the sex scenes were hot. I think it could make a great movie.

Sorry to defecate on your parade, but we won't be getting many more of those:

Injecting her with heroin was Jax's way of avoiding having to kill her. Wendy knows that, that's why she's grateful.

"Mehmed (Dominic Cooper)"

No, that would be "Beil".

They're called season reviews so they qualify for metacritic.

I was sure that the delay in the review was due to the sudden announcement of Claire Holt's permanent departure from the show. But… not a word about it? If this was the last time we've seen Rebekah, at least it was a good episode.