thats what she read

The scene where Lorelai and Digger are at the grocery store and she starts messing with people's time cards bothered me so much. It's not funny or cute or endearing.

I finished it last night. It was funny in parts and I enjoyed it, but I didn't love it as much as First Day of Camp.

It's Ariel shame.

Didn't like the movie at first then I watched it again for some reason much later and loved it, as well as the series which was hilarious.

Although I love this list and the idea of Luke with say Paris is hilarious (hey, she does like older men), I was thinking more along the lines of him ending up with a new character. Someone who would be reasonably nice to him and wouldn't cheat on him.

Episodes like these are proof that you can love a show but hate the two main characters. I always wanted Luke to end up with someone else. Anyone else.

The new season was so bad. So so bad.

The second I saw the category named "Schools on Screen" I yelled out Community.

For me, it was that it got to the point where I disliked both Rory and Lorelai and really disliked Lorelai and Luke together. I thought their relationship was unhealthy and she just wasn't very nice to him. That was a very unpopular opinion on TWoP where everyone just seemed to love that couple.

I love this comment so much. I always had the weird theory that if the male character was the Lorelai and the female character was the Luke, there'd be a lot fewer fans supporting this relationship.

I don't know what it says about me that I loved the Christmas episode. Maybe because it was a break from the weird creatures/dinosaurs etc. I also loved Avalanche.

This headline instantly reminded me of those shows about magician secrets hosted by Skinner from X-Files. I just remember seeing those commercials and just feeling embarrassed for some reason. On his behalf, on my behalf? I don't even remember.

Sarah is killing this. Did anyone go into this thinking, "Sarah is going to kill this"? I certainly didn't although I liked her fine in her first season. I love Aubry and Cirie the most and hope one of them wins, but if Sarah ends up winning I don't think it would be undeserved.

"On a scale of boring to what the heck, just how all over the place has this season been so far?"

Thanks for responding. I think it's time for a rewatch of "A Date with Your Family."

Watched the first episode last night and thought the beginning and exposition was a little rough and the different voice and host took some getting used to (I loved both Joel and Mike), once they got to the movie I enjoyed it and look forward to continuing it.

As chains go, have you been to Fresh Brothers? A little more expensive than typical chains but I think it tastes pretty good.

I have a relative named Shoshanna. She goes by Shana.

I'm a Sandra fan and am one who thought she earned both her wins. I had a feeling she wasn't going to make it to the finals (not when her tribe was so down in numbers), but was hoping tonight wasn't her time. I really hoped somehow Tai or even Ozzy would end up going. I just don't like either of them.

As someone who had one of her favorite players voted out last week, I was more than prepared for JT to play his idol and one of the other 4 (and I like all 4 of them) to be gone. I was more than prepared to curse out idols in general. This was much better than last week. Sandra is amazing.