Flames Over Nebraska

I also noticed Otto's voice sounded a bit weird this week.

It wasn't the greatest episode ever or anything, but it had some fun moments.

Solid episode. It didn't really go anywhere but it had a few laughs. Homer putting fake legs under the car so Marge thought he was working on it tickled me. I like it when Homer shows a bit of ingenuity instead of being a complete dope all the time.

I had no idea what they were referencing (although obviously I knew they were referencing *something*), and I won't comment on whether it was "clever" or not. But going through all that elaborate build-up for a payoff which was just Itchy shooting Scratchy with a shotgun was pretty hilarious to me. So it was a funnier

I agree, I really enjoyed it too. "You can't sex fire me, I sex quit" made me laugh pretty hard. Maybe I'm easily amused. There were a lot of funny moments, as evidenced by that long list of quotes in the stray observations.

Thing is he's been kind of a dick to Penny and the other guys on occasion, not just Sheldon. That's not to say Sheldon hasn't been a dick too - it's way out of order for him to be entering Leonard and Penny's bedroom unannounced, and there's no way Sheldon doesn't know it's out of order. So I can understand Leonard

Hey. This exists.
Yeah, no kidding. I don't know why they bother with these micro-plots in The Simpsons (and there seems to be a pointless micro-plot every week these days). That wii thing took up 60 seconds maybe? Why not use the time for a couple extra jokes in the A-plot and have just one story an episode?

Maybe Danica McKellar, and Danica McKellar's Attractive Friend, were the robbers. They would have scoped out all the sweet stuff they had last week.

I have to agree with those aboe me. It's very odd what's happened to Leonard. I don't remember him being such a dick last season, but there's been little things he's done throughout this season that have been in poor form. This week's indifference-bordering-on-contempt towards Sheldon after a robbery also struck me as

While McKellar is undoubtedly gorgeous, I actually found the actress playing her friend rather more attractive. I guess it's just me.

I'm guessing they took a taxi back to Leonard's flat.

@Obvious: I find it hard to believe that someone 5 years (?) removed from school would already forget the names of the classes they took. And I think you're underselling "average adults" (it's neither here or there, but yes I have worked in such jobs): in answer to the question "did you take any science classes in

"the one with the frogs" broke the suspension of disbelief for me. There's no way Penny would be so stupid as to forget "biology" - it's as though they sacrificed plausibility for the sake of (what they thought was) a funny line. And made the character look bad in the process.

Just as I feared, her buddhism has led directly to witchcraft
was a funny line. Otherwise the wicca plot was toothless as far as satire goes.

I didn't think she was stupid either. I thought it was more like a Sheldonesque confusion, trying to understand Howard's erratic behaviour and/or humour.

"It's like the show gets to 88 percent of the way there every week…
…realizes that's good for a B and decides that's good enough, since Parsons will pull all of his material up to an A anyway."

I agree that Bernadette is a total hottie, which makes Howard's dilemma a bit phoney. Not to mention Leonard holding out for someone who looks like Kaley Cuoco.

I agree, Jay, Lisa had some good moments this week.

Well, it's interesting to delve into a different mindset, I suppose. And hey, I learnt what a "shipper" was today. It's always nice to learn new things. Playing devil's advocate, I suppose "shippng" Penny and Leonard isn't that far removed from dressing up as Spock and reciting an encyclopedic knowledge of sci-fi

The scene where Mr Burns picked the new supervisor got a big laugh out of me.