
Stop motion animation? Cartoons?

Stop motion animation? Cartoons?

I always skim over it. Bunch of namby pamby, wishy washy prophecy crap.

I always skim over it. Bunch of namby pamby, wishy washy prophecy crap.

And for the finalists to recognize this and play to it before it's too late. Whoever wins deserves to win.

If getting slusheed is the -worst- thing you have to deal with then, yes, it's a white peoples' problem.

God, They Live is an awesome fucking movie. I mean, not really, but the fight about the sunglasses is AMAZING. Dude, just put them on! They're sunglasses! What are they gonna do?!?

You know what I'm loving the most about this season? Most of these guys know the show and WANT to be there. Casting people, take note: casting fans of the show works!!

They manipulated and controlled every aspect of their lives going back who knows how long, and he's going to just believe the director when she says that he HAS to die? For all he knows, she's lying and it's their sacrifces that would SUMMON the Old Gods.

The pull-out from the monster cells struck me as referencing a great little science-fiction/horror film Cube where a bunch of people are trapped in a moving complex of moving cube-shaped rooms that are booby trapped.

Some Buffy fans hate Tom Lenk (like me!), so he was definitely the worst part of the whole thing.

I'm content with this show…I don't think I'll remember anything about it in 10 years' time, but for now it's pretty much the only thing on Fridays I care to watch. I'm happy with the slow-burn and episodic structure, and actually find it refreshing. Most TV these days seems obsessed with having an over-arching plot,

You're Sheldon, aren't you?

Well, some people don't come out until much later than life, and I suppose there could be cultural factors that might delay someone's coming out. If he's gay, he's gay, and then the show runners will hopefully use that as an opportunity to explore that in a positive and entertaining way. But he doesn't HAVE to be gay,

You know, I'm gay, but I am in no rush whatsoever to see Raj come out. While we could definitely use more gay and lesbian people of colour on TV, one of the causes of homophobia is our culture's rigid adherence to gender roles. Why can't a guy who likes women ALSO be a little effeminate? Why do we need to put him in a

Based entirely on having watched them in cartoons, walruses have tusks and moustaches, and seals don't.

Richelieu Jr, it's actually seals that are called phoques.

I'll admit, I was being a shit disturber.

If you want to know who the REAL vampires are, look in a mirror!

The climax involves both the host and the alien agonizing over who will sacrifice who to fall in love with which whatever.