
He was in Jeffery.

So, Frasier, but with Patrick Stewart? I'm totally on board with this.

Or you could acknowledge that every word we have attributed to Jesus was written several decades after his death, and that if an historical Jesus did exist, at least some part of his point got lost in translation.

Not focusing on the locale (and the locals) has the added (unintended, I'm sure) benefit of being a teensy less racist.

If it's the one I think it is, Not. At. All. One of the rare 2-parters that makes good use of all the characters and doesn't feel like they're filling time.

If it's the one I think it is, Not. At. All. One of the rare 2-parters that makes good use of all the characters and doesn't feel like they're filling time.

I'm glad she took that stand. The tension between her and Dukat throughout the rest of the series is chilling and seems very, very real to me. I love the fact that she never gave even an inch, and it made the moments where they had to work together even more dramatic. There is no doubt that she loathes Dukat, and it

I'm glad she took that stand. The tension between her and Dukat throughout the rest of the series is chilling and seems very, very real to me. I love the fact that she never gave even an inch, and it made the moments where they had to work together even more dramatic. There is no doubt that she loathes Dukat, and it

I don't think you understand. During the occupation, Dukat did everything he could to go easy on the Bajorans! He's got a HUGE heart, maybe too big at times, which is why he falls for all these women…he just wants to protect them, to help them. Of COURSE he cares about what Kira finds amusing, and if she would only

I don't think you understand. During the occupation, Dukat did everything he could to go easy on the Bajorans! He's got a HUGE heart, maybe too big at times, which is why he falls for all these women…he just wants to protect them, to help them. Of COURSE he cares about what Kira finds amusing, and if she would only

Djur - Well, on 18th century Trill, seeing a lady's calves would have been scandalous.

Djur - Well, on 18th century Trill, seeing a lady's calves would have been scandalous.

I thought about the Owl while watching this episode (it was exactly when Tim talked to Swatch). I was thinking how nice it would be if they brought the Owl back and made a challenge all about him/her/it. "Today you must design a dress for The Owl."

I thought about the Owl while watching this episode (it was exactly when Tim talked to Swatch). I was thinking how nice it would be if they brought the Owl back and made a challenge all about him/her/it. "Today you must design a dress for The Owl."

I was surprised at how early Damar was introduced when I re-watched. This show handles secondary- and tertiary character development better than most TV for sure.

I was surprised at how early Damar was introduced when I re-watched. This show handles secondary- and tertiary character development better than most TV for sure.

"He's my number one dad!"

"He's my number one dad!"

Yaaay! Over the summer I rented seasons 3 through 6 (on 7 now), and I think that 3, as a season, is probably the strongest overall (though there are really strong episodes scattered throughout). I'm very, very glad the DS9 reviews are back! Thursdays just weren't the same….

Yaaay! Over the summer I rented seasons 3 through 6 (on 7 now), and I think that 3, as a season, is probably the strongest overall (though there are really strong episodes scattered throughout). I'm very, very glad the DS9 reviews are back! Thursdays just weren't the same….