
It's significance did seemingly come out of nowhere definitely but I really wouldn't call it bullshit. I thought lion turtle's and spirit bending came out of nowhere but I still enjoyed what the show did with it

Well the tree was there for a while, and it didn't really solve Korra's problems, as much as provide the framework for a lesson from Tenzin that made her realize her own potential spiritual strength.

She's still his reincarnation, mythagoras is right, she just has lost the ability to connect with her past lives, which raava provided. When Aang died, he was reborn as Korra, therefore his reincarnation. that's it.

People really give too much shit to Korra. Her home was being ravaged by a civil war that her family is a part of. People were getting hurt everyday. I can sympathize with her for trying to find a way to stop it. I don't think it paints her in too bad a light.

Well pretty much every anime/video game protagonist with usually red color coding. Off the top of my head Full metal alchemist, Bleach, Legends of Dragoon, it's nothing new. The main protagonists are always usually rash and

Another good epiosde. Really love the complexity that their painting the Order. The main leader seems to be the only one that's legitimately evil, but at the very least he also stops vampires from killing people.

People keep saying how bad Korra is, but I don't think she's a particularly terrible person. She's not much different than a lot of brash anime protagonists

Question to fellow Avatar nerds, is there a subspecialty for Airbending, like bloodbending, lightning, metal-bending? It's just something I'd really love to see

I would love a montage of Jeremy and ghost Alaric laughing while failing to play catch or something

That's really more of a Sorkin thing.

I lived in El Paso, no one ever mentioned curling. Though apparently we had a really good junior city ice hockey team of all things

And then Tessa demanded Amara apologize to her!

Haha Glancing over some of the comments in the article, some of the Klaus-Caroline shipper wars comments are RIDICULOUS

Doesn't seem like it, since that might be what presumably made Amara's life such a hell. I remember specifically how she freaked out when they tried to touch her.

At this point there are more plot holes than actual plot!

I was just confused by Maxwell's diagnosis,

Wait just a minute now another annoying plot hole just occurred to me!

Yeah in retrospect even more confusing. Tessa seemed very willing to trade out anchors, but Amara was also immortal and petrified. Bonnie got no such longevity, and Tessa seemed to think that by dying she and Silas would be there forever, but it only lasts as much as Bonnie, a weak and soon to be very traumatized

Well she has gone to parties, and Katherine's been hanging around school pretending to be her, but yes her grades must once again be terrible

Definitely good to see that this show is better than "555' area codes and the term "British Murder Police"