
I love that the first comment is

Well Deborah Ann Woll does sort of bend her over a table and grope her… Not that I really remember it or anything *ahem*

On the Saul/Carrie relationship. After two seasons it becomes even more retroactively fucked up that Carrie tried to offer him sex so she could spy on Brody in season 1. Just ewwww

A scene I remember very specifically from season 1 was when Alicia's secretary overheard Will and Diane talking about when they were choosing which 1st year to keep.

Arguments around that vein have been pretty widely talked discussed here, but not mentioned on the show. They keep bandying about the word immortal, but really don't delve deeper about the consequences of something like dismemberment. That's something that I feel should have come up when they had daggered and helpless

Zachary Quinto as Azazel!

I assumed it was a singing goat, personally

Don't forget Sheridan-Paledino on that list

Agreed, very good episode, but it also seems very shoehorned into the overall arch of the story. Maybe it works better in a single sitting. I'm hoping the writers don't abandon the more complex moral plots of the story to become a simple good versus evil. Which was already the main failing of the end of the 1st season.


I understand what they're doing, but I still don't think its in anyway noteworthy for being anywhere near clever. Yes they wanted to refocus on the love triangle, but they also seemed to cannibalize their own mythology to do it in a very cliche way.

He was a doctor right? so seemingly not too far off from medical school and all the years of post certification. That's what pre-med kids want, to work their asses off in med school and bury themselves with debt to make all that sweet tenured professor money

Godspeed, I guess I'm too much of a masochist/sucker for any fiction werewolf/vampire to really let go. I am very disappointed with how they started things this season, as I was hoping that season 5 would be a hard reboot with Plek gone off to The Originals. I was even hopeful that the season 4 finale arc would be

One thing I'll never understand is how creating a "shadow self" balances out nature. It doesn't make any sense!

That was great, seriously what is the shelf life of a mystic falls deputy, and who are these people that no one seems to care about that get constantly murdered.

"It’s undeniable that all of this is some very clever storytelling,"

I think their first lines in the pilot was Gloria asking Jay if he wanted to take a shower with her. His reply, to shoot him if he ever said no

"Odindamn it!"

And what "pointless fight with Merlyn" was she talking about? He destroyed half a city, and was trying to stop him from doing any more damage. If there was any justified kill in this show, it'd be that one

Also I assume Ward had to never look near his hands