
My hopes are way, way down since the terrible ending last season, but the vampire-loving masochist in me says "bring it on, Vampire Diaries". We'll see what happens with the new show runner.
Apparently they're showing the originals pilot again, for I feel like the third time already

Now I've never met Phil Dyess-Nugent, but I imagine that would be more his move as he's reading the comments for his articles.

Cece left a guy she barely knew/didn't want to marry/who didn't want to marry her at the altar. Not much of a sacrifice

I worry that the writers of New Girl have been watching too much HIMYM.

Have you read Revelation? How could they not

(Lightbulb flash) Aaron Paul makes a guest appearance as Ted's boss, the president of Columbia.

Isn't that one of the flash's secret identities?

So I refuse to watch the finale, but what happened to Quinn in the end, any mention, or even the baby sitter that apparently had no semblance of a life?

@avclub-b20754d0f1e8ae843e00a8b39a667112:disqus I don't think you're aware of just how good an actress Maslany is

Wait, I haven't seen this show, but how close has she come to getting revenge yet?


"It just seems like such a weird thing to hold!"

Well, getting the brain out was the easy part. The hard part was getting the brain out. (Walter laughs maniacally)

I feel we reached this era a while ago. With shows like AHS, it seems that more and more new shows are coming up that don't have be "good", but just balls to the wall crazy and entertaining. I wonder what that says about us and what'll happen when we get even more and more desensitized to demon horsemen, time

@avclub-e56eea9a45b153de634b23780365f976:disqus  Nor did all those bullets and probable newly acquired diseases that I'm sure a giant gorrila would be introduced to in a metropolitan and germ-filled environment.

That Jersey housewives episode was when I fell in love with this show, you could definitely see the spark of something special when Jackie kept doing confessional asides to random walls.

I imagine the average american audience would still think that it was written by George R. R. Martin.

Yup, mustache twirling villain

There's so many different versions in several countries. I think it started out in Columbia or something. But I did like the Mexican one a lot. They did a much better job of making her "ugly" betty. Instead of just braces and glasses on a pretty girl

I really liked Josh's character, he seemed to go really well with the rom-com satire that show was going for in the beginning. The way they wrote him out was too ridiculous though, it seemed to turn the show into full on rom-com