
"variables and constants" also a terrible storytelling device.



Well to be fair, almost everyday is a slow news day in El Paso. Do you remember the freak outs though when bullets from Juarez hit random buildings  in EP? That news went on for days.

I disagree with MMO, but I think it would have worked better as a sandbox. It would have made Columbia less superficial if you could explore it in depth.

Okay I can never understand people who say Bioshock Infinite had a good story, especially when they say it had a great ending. It was really just pseudo-intellectual bs. And just because you can write in a loophole in your story that blatantly rips off your past games, doesn't mean you should.

Yes to all of this. I wish it was a regular practice for studios to scroll through the av club comments for ideas, especially for jokes.

I don't think its nitpicking talking about the seawall, that changes significant sections of the movie without making any sense.

I think its a terrible idea to disregard logic in order to shoe-horn genre convention, especially when swords more effective than nuclear bombs. That's just bad writing

@avclub-c2772fe942fe1bdcf0fec5d508dd6e23:disqus For the transformers sequels you're right about the awful characters (racist robots and all), and I haven't really seen the third but though I admit the robot fight editing and direction was poorer, I never found it to be below mediocre. And I can say that it was very

Wow @avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus

Yes Please


Only in our dreams

7 seasons and about 150 episodes of buffy is not the same as about 3 seasons and about 25 episodes of DA. The guy wouldn't even film an exit scene. It's something that keeps happening in British shows that become popular, (I'm looking at you Misfits)

I feel so bad for her having to act out the worst of season 6. Apparently she hated what they were doing to Buffy.

I'm very surprised by the SMG hate. She played an awesome character and from what I've heard gave it her all. Plus the fact that she's led a tabloid free life is great.

The more I think about it, I'm not sure it's that much smarter. Flooding your movie with bad dialogue and cliche characters because its intended as an homage still means you're writing bad dialogue and cliche characters.

The largest Mad About You character was obviously Mark… or Burt.

I liked her enough in Mad About You, she was never too firmly in there to be a drag, but just enough to be a recurring joke.