It obviously wasn't a fixed point in time. Unfixed points in time can be rewritten. Sorkin is the Timelord Victorious
It obviously wasn't a fixed point in time. Unfixed points in time can be rewritten. Sorkin is the Timelord Victorious
Was she the pregnant best friend from Orange is the New Black?
This show takes a seemingly gleeful pleasure failing every Bechdel fail. It's downright depressing. Sorkin would really like nothing better than to be transported to 1960's America
You've summed up half this show (tips hat)
Same. That would have drained what little story they could actually wring out of this episode. There's only two left now after all.
In Sookie's head, hasn't it been only a few months?
2 : the capacity, condition, or state of acting or of exerting power : operation
I can find articles referring to human agency in the 50's. So while it hasn't been used in the mainstream until recently, it's not relatively new
I'd accept Michael C Hal in an over-the-top Rod Serling outfit, complete with wig. It would fit in with Dexter's legacy of morbid absurdity and a final insult to anyone with taste who stayed on this long
(Checks avclub, hopefully wondering if this episode will turnaround this shitty season, sees "it-was-all-a-dream conceit)
And don't forget he KNOWS Quinn stole evidence last season
Or maybe it'll end with Dexter holding up a mirror to the camera while Miami Metro's shenanigans go on behind him, "the real killers were you", he says, "for staying tuned in and enabling such a decline of quality. You are the killers of the spirit of quality television, You are the dark passengers…"
Yeah I didn't understand the reviewers thoughts there. I personally hate cliffhangers because we know for a fact the main characters wont die, and it'll show that 10 seconds later in the previews.
series finale fadeout
I'll admit that I'm a bit biased towards Bale, I think he's just a jackass, but I'm not saying that he was bad. Just that I thought he only did an adequate job.
He probably would make a great Wally West. But I don't know if its due to his overexposure playing the same roles over and over again, or it could how bad GL was, but I'm starting to get tired of seeing him on screen.
True, and plus Bomer has three kids to think about if he wants to expose them to that media circus. But I'd hope that he would, and depending how hard the right wing fights, I'd be willing to buy several more tickets to add my support. It would be a great barrier for a gay actor to pass through being our most iconic…
Aw thanks,
I never really had much of a fondness for Christian Bale actually. After Begins I never thought he added much to the role as Bruce Wayne.
I really don't know how that will turn out. Superspeed in CGI for an entire movie might be very painful.