Temp Want Cake

According to an interview with Biehn, the director shot the film in sequence and had the actors rewrite a lot of the script (mostly by improvising). This resulted in a lot of detours from the original story, as well as lots of one-upping and fights for the spotlight; eventually, it got so heated that many of the

Thyroid - Can't speak for other races and ethnic backgrounds other than my own (Hispanic), but when guys like Guillermo Del Toro and Alejandro Gonzalez Innaritu are getting Oscar noms and such for their critically-acclaimed films, I like to think that it takes away from the general public perception that it's all/only


Most of the AV Club is sloshed on the following ingredients of this particular drink I refuse to name because we all know who:

'Hey it's that guy who fucked Meg Ryan"

Once a Marine, always a Marine.

Sounds about right, if that statement came from Fieri, who really has no business being on television, acting like some expert on cuisine. After watching Bourdain and that Bizarre Foods host scarf up some crazy dishes, it was a sad, sad, bordering-on-pathetic sight to see that Poochie-looking douchebag choke up on

Even the dueling He Said/She Said crawls from FX and DirecTV taking up a third of the screen couldn't take away from my enjoyment of this episode — the last Sunny ep I'll get to see if those guys don't get their shit together by 11/1 (I'll just have to switch cable providers or watch the rest of the season on the good

Have to respectfully disagree there, Mr. Oates. I actually prefer the 2nd to the 1st Maniac Cop — some pretty insane set-pieces like the flaming-zombie-cop-in-prison sequence, Leo Rossi looking like the lost Manson brother, and of course, that awesome rap song over the end credits. I'm with you on the 3rd film,

A day without rescuing kittens is like a day without sunshine, as far as Milla's concerned.

I guess he risked losing potential gigs if he didn't look like Newman anymore. He was in Punisher War Zone and I didn't recognize him immediately. But based on a quick glance at his IMDB profile, he's been working just as steadily pre-diet, albeit not in as many high-profile projects as before. Also, it appears that

Why thank you, obsequious milquetoast — I wasn't sure whether or not I should respond to him calling me an asshole, so it's nice to know that you appreciated it. Good day sir. I wish you only the best in your life, as well as the lives of your friends and family.

Oh, then in that case, please accept my humblest apologies. Cunt

Dude's been married at least twice, he ain't that smart.

If the stories in Easy Riders, Raging Bulls are to be believed, Altman could be a mean son-of-a-bitch, especially if he was drunk or stoned. My favorite tale is from Louise Fletcher; she thanked her deaf parents in sign language while on stage, and she looked down to see Altman mocking her by making a bunch of

It's okay, Karatloz — I'll only wish you a mild case of cancerfireaids.

Yup, CK's talked about it before — I heard most of it in a Howard Stern interview. Supposedly, this was supposed to be released through Paramount's indie label, but Chris Rock's involvement convinced the studio to sell it more as a tent pole summer flick. The suits at Paramount screened his early cut and freaked; this

Between Happiness and Little Children, the poor lady can't go on dinner dates without them taking a very dark turn in the end.

She was dead…but she got better.