
Oh, the Friday District.

"it's nowhere near as…homogenous"

"…the sum of pop culture: movies, books, music, poetry, comic strips,
haikus, cities, cultural movements, commedia dell’arte, plays."

Pretty scattershot eighteensies, firsties, thirdsies, fourthsies, and two-thousand-forty-ninesies attempt there.

Ciuper 8?

Agreed. I thought it was brilliant that the second movie ended with Neo being stripped of all his power and his importance and I expected the third to have the survivors getting down and dirty in their fight against the machines without realizing they had an agent in their midst. Then it turned out that Neo had

Oh god, the fact that I totally just ignored the joke in this post and used it as an opportunity to educate people about coffee is why I quit my job.

All that matters is that you expose them to as little air as possible. The freezer is just a convenient air-tight container that isn't opened nearly as much as the fridge. Former barista, signing out.

Dibs on Fiendfyre for my Harry Potter-themed metal band.

I would just like to thank the AV Club for providing me with an outlet for coping with the sudden loss of Breaking Bad in my life and for making me not feel crazy for having those feelings.

I made that list earlier this season after Jesse shot that guy while helping Gus and Mike flee in Mexico. I think it outlines a fundamental difference about the characters that Walt has directly killed so many people and we've hardly seen any reaction on his part, while Jesse has so far only killed two and he's still

Grey Matter is also a subsidiary of that shady German conglomerate!

Agreed. It's a little disappointing to realize that there is no master plan and thus some loose plot threads are most likely just going to remain loose plot threads (I'm thinking Ted). However, it does say a lot about the writers that they've been able to keep the show as tightly wound and gripping as it has been

Hey, he may be ugly and hate-filled, but, uh, what was that last part again?

"Wait a minute, dogs can't talk!"
"Damn straight!"