
Probably spoiler-y: I have very conflicted feelings about the character Dong. I find it slightly problematic that someone who is clearly Korean is playing a Southeast Asian character—Ki Hong Lee *is* lovely to look at, but he doesn't particularly look Vietnamese. It seems even more problematic that a lot of the jokes

I have to agree that the Indiana stuff didn't work for me. I moved to Indiana last year and I don't really find the people here backward so much as sad and meth-addicted. But I guess that's not good comedy?

What, the photo used for the video at the end of the article? That's not a paleface—it's a beauty mask of the variety commonly sold at the Korean makeup shop Olive Young. I bought some once, but did not find them particularly effective.

In the late nineties, there was this lady in my neighborhood who took all of her kids' old crummy plastic bag costumes and hung them off of sticks she had stuck in her lawn.
They were probably the scariest Halloween decorations I've ever seen… Just rows and rows of headless Rainbow Brites and He-Mans…

The correct answer is "TV Eye" by the Stooges. I'll take your replies off-air.

My vote's for a vagina'd human. Or a human who tans well. Oh! W. Kamau Bell?

I'd be far more inclined to agree, if it weren't for the fact that any time the AVClub reviews a female musician/interviews a female actor, within five comments there's some comment about her looks or just a nice, subtle "fapfapfap."
But then, sadly, that probably *is* civil for the internet, in that it's not usually

I'm not a big Kaling fan, but I did read her book (good for fluffy situations). It was interesting just how much Maron proved her point about Jewish guys and Indian women during that interview.
Side note: I know it's someone's actual real life, and not fiction, but I was palpably relieved when Maron broke up with his

Lemon and lime were replaced with raspberry and watermelon - which… why? It makes for a practically monochromatic roll of candy, which eliminates half its charm!

I can't even explain my distress when I purchased a pack of Lifesavers to find that they'd eliminated both lemon and lime… Of course, the change had been made five years prior, evidently, so I guess the Lifesavers people aren't worried about losing me as  a customer. Still, the candy industry's rejection of lemon and

I was trying to figure it out… Maybe Lanigan, Webster, and Malone? At first all I could think of was Brian and Joe, but, while they would have been old, I think Lanigan would've been closer to her dad's age than Brian and Joe.
Jesus. Morning radio. Thank god for podcasts.

I was trying to figure it out… Maybe Lanigan, Webster, and Malone? At first all I could think of was Brian and Joe, but, while they would have been old, I think Lanigan would've been closer to her dad's age than Brian and Joe.
Jesus. Morning radio. Thank god for podcasts.

As someone who has taught grade six within the last five years, I can assure you that children are pretty much exactly like adults in the sense that some of them like comics, and some of them don't.

"That's like not knowing who Michael Jackson is in the 80s."
I disagree, primarily because the music industry (market? business?) was much more blatantly stratified in 1994 than it was in 1982. It's even more stratified now, because there are an uncountable number of media outlets, each catering to  market more niche

He was always a little bit tubby. They just used to photograph him from flattering angles. But he was definitely still cute, even with the tubbiness.

Oh man… I can't believe I'd forgotten that little bit of awesomeness. I loved his cover of "Magnet and Steel", too.

I find this to be an interesting discussion, considering that most of the conversations about female beauty consist of "…something something fap fap  fap…"

"TV Eye"!!

Hey! Dude has his own Etsy store! Don't mock!
Also, he's got an album coming out in a month.
I would say he's pretty much a guy who gets to do what he wants with his life (make cat sculptures, write some songs, watch anime). So I think he's done alright.