
Having taught home-schooled kids who've made the move to public schools, I can say that home-schooled kids tend to be very good at easily measured or memorizable things (ex. grammar, times tables). They also, however, tend to be awful at synthesizing or analyzing information. More importantly, though, is that they

Kristen Schaal is a horse, and she's closer to athletic and lean than fat.

I could get vaccinated, and my husband could get vaccinated. We could, however, have a baby that we fully intend to vaccinate but he is a) immuno-compromised, or b) still too young to have received all of the vaccinations. Does my little brat deserve polio because the parents of some other little brat chose not to get

I think you might be giving the Germans too much credit. I grew up along the Great Lakes, and there were far more Poles, Slavs, Croatians, Hungarians and other Eastern European types around than there were Germans. Still, all those folks like sausage.

Is "something distinct" regarding Great Lakes regional cuisine a weird euphemism for sausage and casserole (which could also be a weird euphemism, I suppose)?

Well, surely you are wrong. Here in Korea, the "American Food" section of the grocery store almost exclusively stocks ketchup and peanut butter, so I'm positive that those are the only foodstuffs residents of the USA eat.

Don't you talk about my mom like that!

Is "They're okay" code for "deeply unpleasant"?

Hmm. The number of native New Yorkers I've met who believe that…

I have lived in Korea for over six years and I go to Dunkin Donuts all the time because 1) they are everywhere here, and 2) they are the only coffee place open at 7 AM besides Starbucks.

I watched this film for a film studies class I took as an undergraduate. The professor played the dubbed version, which ruined any beauty it might have had. This same professor also took Pulp Fiction and re-edited it so that all of the stories were no longer interwoven, and everything was chronological. He played that

She said so on the WTF podcast at least, if not elsewhere. And she also seemed sincere in her support.

First, let me note that I am on your side.
Second, please take my comment in the context in which it was written. It was not written in response to anything Glazer said (who, as you correctly indicate, says nothing about blue-eyed soul), but in response to what Kirino Sucks said. My point was that Kirino Sucks had an

Is associating women with negativity heteronormative? Because I don't think that's what the word means.

I feel like Starbuckscore would describe something more innocuously dull. Like My Bubba might be Starbuckscore. Not unpleasant, but not meant to draw attention to itself.

I'm sure the most famed blue-eyed soul artists, such as the Righteous Brothers, mid-70s Bowie, and Hall and Oates, would be delighted to know that one of the pre-requisites for their genre is to sport a vagina.
Then again, as someone who does sport a vagina, it's slightly annoying that your comment implies "given

My orange tabby, Kaiju, can also only be temporarily thwarted by childproof locks. My husband advances this as a sign of Kaiju's great intelligence. Kaiju also regularly gets his head stuck in potato chip bags, though, so he, like most of us, is only smart about some things.

Too right. I refer to those I love as "Stinky" or a variant thereof.

The show was good—I think that may be more of a credit to her writing staff than to her own writing.

I'd be surprised if she was actually plus-sized. I don't know how tall she is (because if she were incredibly short, then she might wear a larger size), but I'd be surprised if she wore anything larger than a size ten. Pluses are size fourteen and over these days.
In short, she's "plus-sized" by movie star standards,