
As an Austrian living in Berlin, I can tell you there isn't nearly enough strudel in this city

If this really was Panjabi's last episode, I have a hard time believing Margulies would refuse to shoot their goodbye scene together merely out of jealousy. That behavior would be on an almost career-killing level of unprofessionalism.

McKinnon was strong tonight. But I can't help but wonder if her QVC character was supposed to be Liza Minnelli and they realized it wasn't strong enough and changed the character name.

The accent didn't bother me at all, considering the character is supposed to be Romanian pretending to be American AND we're talking late 19th century here. Americans sounded pretty British back then.

Simmer down, Stu

Exactly. I was following the manhunt story on reddit/twitter and the amount of unfiltered, unchecked and ultimately wrong information that's found its way on there was fascinating. Let's not make the news media think they have to emulate that.

I liked how she was petting it before realizing she doesn't have a cat.

I liked how she was petting it before realizing she doesn't have a cat.

"I don't have a guilty conscience, but I do have a guilty face"

"I don't have a guilty conscience, but I do have a guilty face"

And Sixpence None the Richer!

And Sixpence None the Richer!

What I didn't get was why the Pandora HQ would look like the spaceship set of a 1950s sci-fi B-movie.

What I didn't get was why the Pandora HQ would look like the spaceship set of a 1950s sci-fi B-movie.

I was happy to see Robyn back, putting everybody else's incompetence into perspective.

I was happy to see Robyn back, putting everybody else's incompetence into perspective.

Ellen's from Louisiana. I thought it sounded a lot like her in her 80s stand up stuff.

Ellen's from Louisiana. I thought it sounded a lot like her in her 80s stand up stuff.