
Wall? what fucking wall? Some big ass wall around the city and it's mentioned in episode 9? Fox will never learn how to pace a story.

Call me childish, but I almost peed myself at the teargas joke at the very end of the episode

that's because it wasn't a chest bump! they bumped by sides!

I enjoyed this episode. I was kinda surprised that in a pirate show it's the women who pretty much run the plot, but I liked it. Female characters are really interesting in this one.

You do know there is some room between "all the time" and "nothing at all"?

I think the only real reason is because writers decided to.

God damn it, USA… You don't end a season like that when you don't have renewal confirmation :-/

They don't even look like being in relationship lately… Did they do anything together in last episodes?

That was obvious from budgetary reasons alone, but I hoped they will at least move on with Neal's probation story.

I thought season 6 is confirmed already!

@swanpride: you're right, so this wasn't a screwup. Thanks

So you're happy that they found out a sneaky quasi-feminist way of getting rid of the female actress from the main cast?

One more screwup - they said they are broke with no money, so where are the millions they stole from this lady therapist at the season beginning when Neal decided he's going to be back in the game again?

His sentence was longer. He was on some sort of probation to help the FBI but I think somewhere on the way they decided he has to do this shit longer.

I'm afraid it's going to be like that only for one or two episodes. "Neal dropped the anklet because he was denied freedom", but soon they'll figure out that's not what happened and everything will be back to normal.

She checked it. He swapped it after she did the check. It's actually a pretty common technique (not that I'm an expert of any kind) - if you do the swap after your "victim" checks it, it's much more likely he or she will not notice until it's too late.

I always knew Peter would never leave NY, but I hoped at least something will change for White Collar - Neal without an anklet would be something refreshing for this show, but they chickened out.

I don't like what they did to Penny's character. She's obnoxious, I doubt in real life Bernadette and Amy would put up with her for more than an hour. They need to make Penny more of a friend than she is a bitch. And they need to do it fast.

I think it was cancelled long ago?

"In the end, American Horror Story: Coven just didn’t have any fucking clue what it wanted to be."