
and they are all supposed to be teenagers… and they parade nearly naked in front of their teacher. And get surprised when they get suspended.

I agree with you. Plots in Glee are beyond ridiculous now. It's barely watchable. I watch it only for the songs lately, but even them are dissapointingly uninspired.

Fiona was high on drugs, guys… there's nothing to discuss.

for your last question, I believe it depends on how fresh is the corpse…?

Marilyn Manson, is that you?

it would be her lifetime best performance

Chainsaw was amazing.

It was some blonde girl with a pony tail if I remember correctly. And her picture was somewhere in the middle of Stewmaker's album.

My girlfriend laughs even less lately. And we used to laugh like crazy in previous seasons. But usually not because of Jess, but because of the boys trio.

by the way, in my country, you can actually be arrested for insulting an officer on duty…

it was a joke, you know? he arrested him, because he once was arrested and convicted for a robbery with identical m.o.

Exactly my thoughts. And this is remarkable, that in a show about Jess, Jess is definitely the worst, least funny and terrible character in entire show.

New Girl is becoming so much less and less funny each episode. Do we really need more Nick - Jess drama every week?

I admit, that was stupid. He might've just said to the firefighter to open that door with a gas mask put on, it would be much quicker.

I know you watch a lot of american thrillers, but protective detail is not something that is handed left and right. For all they knew, he just wanted to kill as many people as possible.

I am not sure if under FBI agent's responsibilities is to open the door and die of lethal fumes.

so, did the Police put protection over every 9/11 survivor or not?

Hmm… From the previous episodes I could say that Elizabeth's father murdered Red's daughter and hired the Stewmaker to get rid of her body (remember this episode? Red took a picture of a girl).


you're right. and that's even more stupid, because putting everything into one bag increases the risk of loosing all their loot when shit goes bad…