

OK, now I'm SUPER jealous—you live in my favorite city in Australia. Fuck you, and have a great time!

Me too. But I agree with Zack's argument that this was a season of thrilling set pieces (like this one) that in the end kind of petered out and amounted to nothing.

A-minus? Really? I haven't been so angered and insulted by a finale since "How I Met Your Mother". You were on the right track, Zack, with the observation that it was a season full of terrific set pieces… pieces that in the end added up to… meh. Sorry, but I think FX was right—if this is all that Hawley has left in

Ye gods! Are you fully recovered (other than the memory loss)?

Thanks for completely missing his point.

(scooter pats the seat next to him) Come sit next to me and we can both hate on the new credits sequence together. I hate change just for the sake of change, and I'm sorry but that's the overwhelming impression I got after hate-watching the opening credits twice.

My favorite "screw-up" was left off the list. The (in)famous mid-1980's cheater on Shell Game: