Hipsters must die

They actually did explain everything before they went to the meet! I don't remember verbatim but it was something like this: They gave her a decryption machine that all she a had to to was plug it into her computer and it would automatically decrypt the message! The thing was the machine worked through wireless

Dafuque? Anyone else notice that Avclub's Tvclub is slowing morphing into a place for girl shows? They should rename this place All Vagina Club!

You know for a second I thought I could give a shit about this but …. NOPE! I do not give a shit about this!

OMG! It took you 80 million paragraphs to say that Perry makes shitty movies! Thanks for wasting my time asshole! Like I need Random Internet Asshole's indepth analysis of Tyler  Perry's movies!  If I wanted to read someone's shitty blog, then I would go to a blogsite! Fuck yourself and then die!

"Dan in real life" was unfunny over dramatic bullshit! Hey remember when Steve Carell was funny? Before he started playing his depressed mopey guy character in every movie! Dan in Real LIfe is where that shitty character started, so fuck DIRL!

Re: Candis Cayne, IT'S A TRAP!

Just because you like to fuck trannies, that doesn't make that man a woman!

This article was very poorly written! I just couldn't follow it at all! It's like someone just ate a bucket of words and shat them out randomly into the article! Please fire this guy! He obviously sucks at writing and should never write another article again!

Hey Todd! Thanks for the spoiler alert about the history of Ragnar Lothbrok, FUCKFACE!

I wish Avclub would stop trying to shove this show down our throats! I watched several episodes and I could not have been more bored! We get it AVCLUB! You like Enlightened, but all the evidence says that, you are the only one! And the fact that you would mention Enlightened in the same breath as those other shows

One of the worst shows I have ever seen!


NOOOO! NOOOO! Not Young Justice! NOOOO! And to a lesser extent Green Lantern! But Young Justice NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why CN why! Why do you kill all the good shows and just leave us with shit! WHY! All you do is tease us with good shows and then cancel them, you ignorant slut! Yes you deserve to die and Ii hope

Great maybe he will cast Don Cheadle as Luke Skywalker! SULU is not Korean goddammit!

Great maybe he will cast Don Cheadle as Luke Skywalker! SULU is not Korean goddammit!

I've seen this movie! It is shit! It's like it was written by throwing darts at a "random idea" dart board! A David Lynch movie is more coherent!

There is never a time when gay panic jokes are not funny!

Hey everyone, I just took a shit while a woman sucked my cock!

1. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince comedy nerds that Patton Oswalt was funny!
2. How ironic is it that Avclub is posting this here? Not only are they one of biggest glorified hecklers on the internet; But the comment section is probably one of the biggest heckler incubators on the web!

Wow you must be old!