
Given Foxes History I can't wait
To plop down at 2 A.M. on sunday morning to watch these!

I remember seeing this
Probably shortly after it arrived on video and thinking it was pretty good - the only part that really made an impression on me (i.e. that I still remember) is the afforementiioned heart-ripping.

Easy Mistakes
I find it odd how easy people in LD's world are flummoxed into making gigantic mistakes or drastic reactions.

How to make Chuck a 40% better show
Morgan gets killed in some horrible spy-related manner (something ironic - like he falls in a machine that was made to make the world more annoying - destroying it in the process) and cute, nerdy Buy-more Asian chick becomes Chuck's new best friend.

Micheal's ad
Was actually not bad at all I thought. While it did seem way above him technical skill-wise I was also expecting it to be humiliatingly dumb or bad; which is wasn't.

I'll watch Robert Downey Jr. in just about anything - so I have high hopes that it will be one of the better super hero movies.

Justice League
Sorry - but to continue my thought I really hope whoever made the Superman Movie isn't making the upcoming JL movie.

I wastched X3 and Superman returns
when they aired them on consecutive days on HBO a bit ago.

Good show
I loved the "and cows disagree with me," line.

Xena was looking good.
Good for her, still hot 10 years later.

Brian and Steve
Are really sort of stealing the show this season, it seems like the b-plots have consistently been the main source of funny this time around.