
Bat-shit insane
Sean Young is - I found this out a long time ago on an episode of Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher.

Larry Miller must
have some sort of soul infused with teflon because he manages to be in every down-right awful piece of crap movie ever made. And yet he still gets out of bed in the morning and manages to do decent stand-up.

Am I the only one?
Who doesn't know a single one of these people? I watched the last ten minutes or so of this yesterday and the only "thing" I recognized was one of the lesser-Baldwins (i.e. any of them that aren't Alec)

Wow - great link Shih Tzu - thanks.

How do these movies keep getting made?
When its been shown time and time again that Uwe+ video game license = miserable failure.

Stephen was in the last episode of Harvey Birdman IIRC, so I can't see him being too haughty about skipping the Venture Brothers.

This just in -
Nathan Rabin bludgeoned to death on the Brown Line El Train by a DVD of "Pay It Forward."

I thought I had read that Madonna was going to be in this episode? I wonder what happened.

It was surprisingly heavy-handed for Extras.

Oh and -
As far as overdone covers - I can't believe you left out "Gloria." I don't even know who sings the original that songs been passed around so much.

How Soon is Now.
It seems like everytime I play/hear that song some douchebag is around to say "Hey it's the Charmed theme!"

Who Knew Stephen Baldwin had the clout
To get something done in Hollywood.

I remember when I was little
My cousin told me that if you put the Zapper to your ear and pulled the trigger you'd get a really bad headache.

Is this a real thing? It sounds like something the Japanese would do.

Paula Poundstone
I love Paula Poundstone - I'd like to see her interviewed on the AV club at some point or another. It's bound to be good.

That was the problem
When Family Guy first came back on the air - it was cramming everything from the series in the first episode, trying to remind people why they liked it I guess.

Yeah yeah yeah!
I feel better having screamed don't you?

Yes - I was a WWF fan for all of a year in the 5th grade. Which is likely where I picked up the term (or perhaps in my old-timey radio show days).

Thank god
That the bitch was cut. I know I know - they gave her character depth and multitudes in tonight's episode, but I just really didn't like her snarky bitchitude from day one.

Though I would like to add that Mary Lynn has my eternal gratitude for being awesome on Mr. Show and Larry Sanders.