
I was thinking something like this too! Not only a cool idea but the timing would be right to tie the show in with Thor 2. Keep us wondering how Coulson came back for a few months then tie it in with the next big movie.

Maybe Gannicus got Sibyl pregnant right before the final battle… So how about a 'Son of Gannicus' spin off with his son played by Dustin Clare.

Remember in Vengeance when the rebels were fighting each other and Spartacus puts a stop to it by slicing someone's face off?? My jaw dropped along with a few characters on screen. Those are the kind of moments that I've only really had watching Spartacus. I'm really gonna miss this show….

I'm gotta agree with you, she's badass but having her character always be pissed is wearing a little thin. Also why didn't she mention Andrea or Merle? That just didn't make any sense to me. She does know that they ran in the same group right?

I'm gotta agree with you, she's badass but having her character always be pissed is wearing a little thin. Also why didn't she mention Andrea or Merle? That just didn't make any sense to me. She does know that they ran in the same group right?

As much as I love Wash and Book I'm not a big fan of too many prequel series, plus how many stories could take place between Firefly and Serenity that would be relevant?

As much as I love Wash and Book I'm not a big fan of too many prequel series, plus how many stories could take place between Firefly and Serenity that would be relevant?

Spartacus is cheesy… but in all the right ways

I think Randall mentioned that he went to school with Maggie but she had no idea that he existed