
Buuuuuut, don't they get a "pass" card if this actually happened? Granted the timing and lampshading of it was contrived.

I totally noticed that moment as well. If I was more engaged I might have looked behind me and done a "who, me?!" pantomime.

I totally noticed that moment as well. If I was more engaged I might have looked behind me and done a "who, me?!" pantomime.

No Jimgie.

No Jimgie.

The diapers and household products exclamation is absolutely a thing though.

The diapers and household products exclamation is absolutely a thing though.

I liked the Dark Knight riff though. It's like Aaron Sorkin gets the generations.

I liked the Dark Knight riff though. It's like Aaron Sorkin gets the generations.

If that were the case, I think it would have been the bigger story *wink wink bisexualimplicationswhathappensincollegestaysincollege wink*

If that were the case, I think it would have been the bigger story *wink wink bisexualimplicationswhathappensincollegestaysincollege wink*

I must have missed that Anonymous article, but I thought they were already fairly well known before then. This show is set just over a year old, and I thought they were big news around the Wikileaks time.

I must have missed that Anonymous article, but I thought they were already fairly well known before then. This show is set just over a year old, and I thought they were big news around the Wikileaks time.

It was clunky, but I actually enjoyed the Bigfoot callback. I did find the whole 'undercover infiltration of a group of trolls' thing utterly bizarre though. Does this mean 13 year olds are journalists? Another "better deal with that whacky internet fad" moment.

It was clunky, but I actually enjoyed the Bigfoot callback. I did find the whole 'undercover infiltration of a group of trolls' thing utterly bizarre though. Does this mean 13 year olds are journalists? Another "better deal with that whacky internet fad" moment.

Me too! This was probably the best episode so far. Which is somewhat of a backhanded compliment, but in a mostly good way.

Me too! This was probably the best episode so far. Which is somewhat of a backhanded compliment, but in a mostly good way.

Sure, but it's pretty much the perfect setup for Jim to then point out what an idiot she sounds like, ala most other episodes so far.

Sure, but it's pretty much the perfect setup for Jim to then point out what an idiot she sounds like, ala most other episodes so far.

I was sure Sloan started off delivering it as parody, but maybe because it's such an overwrought cliche she went too far and tried to parody the parody, and it ended up sincere?