
@avclub-db0c35ce2663c0e8c4b3f38642a49748:disqus Ah, haven't seen Pan's Labyrinth and have been meaning to for aaaaages, so thanks for the spoiler warning! Appreciated.

Boom! Headshot. I didn't realise he was one of them!

Or wildling snuggles.

Good gods they just keep coming up with attractive women on this show. I loved this episode so well - an excellent balance of action, brutality and humour. I literally found myself catching my breath as Arya tiptoed around Baelish. My money's on he recognised her.

Great post @TheBelgianWaffle:disqus, I appreciate that your criticisms aren't just of the "this show sucks" variety, but are thought out and considered. I agree with a lot of what you write - most of my criticisms of the show are when characters do something "plot-driven", and it seems a bit clunky. Many of the

I honestly, sincerely thought you were joking about his penis re: mountain spooning.

@avclub-858b67085072a6f2403cf500871f4068:disqus Particularly considering when they were all gathered there in the castle there were about 20 people left in the city, including Theon's men!

+1. Like. All of it.

Oooooh, I thought he said "you look a lot like him" or something! I thought daymn, HoK, there's slapping your king, and then there's calling him an incesty bastard. Your version is more subtle!

@avclub-fff4ac4c2f46e5cd75ec8b515c235031:disqus I'm kind of with you - the whole betrayal thing wasn't very compelling - to me it feels as if it's relying on the "loyal to his father/daddy issues" crux a bit too hard. I don't know, maybe if his father had done anything other than completely and utterly reject him

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus, you're invited to Christmas dinner, and we're putting you on carving duties.

I thought initially it was a note Littlefinger had left her.

You raise an interesting point, @Scrawler2:disqus, but it also makes sense for Arya to order Tywin's death. She knows he's literally the Lannister's head honcho running the war in all but title, and taking him out covertly would be a massive boon to Robb, while a huge blow to Joffrey's entire family.

The disemboweling was just terrific! (A phrase I didn't expect to be writing again.)

I guess, @avclub-13d7df3c17502af69aafccc758195f96:disqus. There has to be an excuse like that, because leaving him alive doesn't really serve a lot of purpose otherwise.

I too worry that the Dean's whacky antics are going to start providing Dean-minishing returns. I'm still laughing - in fact, the "Dean, what are you doing here?" "Ouch!" from a few eps back was one of my favourite sequences this season. Still, there can be too much of a good thing.

Really? Those glances, I immediately thought "haven't we seen this twice before, virtually shot for shot?" It didn't add anything for me at all, and it didn't add anything new to the dynamic - it was the same ground as the previous instances. In fact, the Remedial Chaos Theory callbacks didn't work for me either. It

That was a bit weird. "Oh and by the way, after having a major role last week this actor won't be rejoining us, but it doesn't really matter."

I started at 205. That run did the trick!

Yes, they do seem a bit like caricatures at times. There's not really a sense that they can realistically stick around, nor that they have any real grip on the throne. The peasants are already revolting, but they can't yet smell it.