
What's a B Dalton?

like X 1,000,000

New Rule, vaccines cause autism. Even though there's no scientific evidence and I was a liberal arts major, it is true!

I don't think the episode was completely clear about Ted's love for Robin. Are we (or Ted) totally sure that he is expressing romantic love? I also find it believable that they would get back together. They're both in their 30s, obviously really enjoy each other's company and have a shared and passionate history

I didn't realize pretty girls posted on the Internet.

Wow anime guy, you're insufferable.

It has to be Starburns.

Okay, so The Voice is terrible terrible television.

Worst post ever.

What if I thought Sons of Anarchy sucked shit? Will I still like this show?

Who's judging anything, Anime weirdo?

Thanks guys. Deadwood Sheriff was my third favorite Deadwood guy so maybe this will be okay.

Will you give me a full recap? I'm too lazy to watch it or look for a recap.

Halftime in America is over! USA USA USA!!!!

I really wish they write the Ava plots out. So lame.

Is Justified good? The commercials look shitty as heck.

Suck it, AVClub.

It's fun. There's a 10 year old girl who gives advanced legal advice.

The Firm was so unbelievably terrible that it was kind of fun.

For what it's worth, nothing, I thought this was really boring and sucky.